Monday, April 1, 2013

Instead Soft Cup

Boys, you may want to step away from the blog today, this is girl stuff!

In all seriousness, we are going to talk about the big monthly pain in the butt today. I *hate* my period! I never want to work out, I get headaches, occasional cramps,

Boys, you did leave, right? If not, I bet you are gone now!

I have always been a maxi pad girl! Same wings, same length, same package. I know what I like, and I stick with it. I like being comfortable, I like feeling safe (not worrying about leakage, etc).
When I first heard about Soft Cup, I admit, I was totally freaked out. You want me to put what? Where? Oh, heck no! But the more blogs I read about it, the more curious I got. When I was offered a free one month trial, I hesitated, and then I went for it!
The box came months ago. No lie. Months. December, I think. So I looked out, took out the info, read it, and stuck it in the cabinet in my bathroom. And I thought about it. You can't beat the statistics:
(from the website)

  • You can wear Softcup for up to 12 hours
  • Softcup is comfortable during swimming and sports
  • Softcup eliminates menstrual odor, since the menstrual flow isn't exposed to air
  • Softcup loves making love . . .you can wear Softcup during intercourse for less messy sex on your period
  • Softcup is comfortable—you can't even feel it once it's inserted
  • Most women typically use fewer Softcups than tampons or pads because of the long wear-time
  • You can use one reusable softcup throughout entire cycle...saving you money and the environment
  • Softcups have no wings, no strings . . . just freedom!

I didn't show the hubs the stats though. If he sees #4, I have no excuses left! 
Two weeks ago, before I got my period, I tried one out. Just to get the feel. I even ran with it, because, well, why not?
So when I did get my period this week, I felt even more comfortable using these, even on the heavy days! A perfect weekend too, because the hubs and I took a lot of walks with the dogs, a few short runs, and today I rode my bike 2 miles round trip to the gym to take a class. There were a lot of burpees, mountain climbers, and jumping jacks during the class, and I felt amazing! No worrying about leakage today!

I am so glad that I decided to try these out, I will definitely use these during Half Marathons when they fall during that time of the month!
You can check it out for yourself, find them at their website, follow them on Twitter, find them on Facebook.  You will be so glad you did!!

I received one month's supply of Instead Soft Cups in exchange for a review, good or bad, however all opinions stated here are my own! 


  1. I'm actually glad you posted this because I've been on the fence about it and I'm certain one of my halves will fall on a period day. I'm going to have totry them. .. but not telling husband about #4 either ;) lol

    1. lol I am glad you agree on #4, a girl has to have some peace after all!

  2. Great review Kim! Glad you participated in our Softcup Challenge! Thank you!
