Sunday, January 3, 2021

My 2021 Achievement Board

 It is my 9th Blogaversary today, and what better way to celebrate than to talk about my Achievement Boards. Every year I post about them, and pretty much every year I explain them. If you've heard the story before, feel free to scroll down to 2021!

I was watching a Hallmark movie in December 2012 (it had a Little Women theme to it)  and one of the characters made an achievement board for her sister. It was flowery, if I remember correctly, and for every goal she met, she colored that space in. I loved it! Why not do this for fitness? I jumped right on it. Small attainable goals are way better than resolutions you never follow through on!

In 2014, I jumped on the One Word bandwagon (who didn't?) and decided to use my word on my board. This is the board when I made it, not at the end of the year, so nothing is colored in yet. 

2015 was the year I would run the NYC Marathon, or so I thought. I did believe I could do it, but plantar fasciitis changed all that. 

2016 was the year of the NYC Marathon, and I was right. I can do it. I kicked butt, too. Ok, no I didn't. But I finished, and that's all that mattered.

In 2017, I ran Chicago, and the plan was to finish better than NYC. That did not happen, but I loved every minute of the race, and that is redemption for sure. It was also the year I ran the Disney marathon with a hole in my heel and only got to mile 15. Chicago was way better than that!

2018 was a good year! Lots of fun events!

2019 was the year of trying hard things. I didn't get to everything on the list, but I have kept the heart behind the idea in years going forward, and will keep doing it. I did tear my meniscus in November, which brought everything to a screaming halt, but at least the year was almost over.

sigh. Journey. The plan was to journey through my recovery and on to more adventures. I am still recovering, since I also have arthritis in my knees, plus. You know. 2020. But look at all of those colors! I did so many things. I fired a gun for the first time (and if you don't agree with this, feel free to keep that little nugget to yourself), I got a peloton, became obsessed with it, shared that obsession, got others obsessed... I read over 160 books, lost 20 pounds, started doing peloton Tours, started my 500 hour yoga certification (i am almost done!), did a bunch of multi sport challenges, did my first triathlon (at home, with a peloton for the bike portion), and so much more!

2020 was rough. Not just because of Covid, but mostly because I am just not recovering the way I would like. Arthritis is forever. Walking around the house sometimes hurts. I decided 2021 would be more about taking care of me. Yes, there will be fitness goals, weight loss goals (I will post about this journey soon), new things to try, etc but also yoga goals, and reading goals, as well. There are so many things that I cannot do right now, but there are even more that I can do. I will be adding more strength workouts, trying new reading challenges, and this year I will get on that damn horse. 

Whenever I make an achievement board, it starts with the One Word. Well, 2021 is the year of the Fuckit Bucket, so I went with two words and threw the One Word right into that bucket. Peace out, buddy. Could I have found One Word to replace Self Care? Probably. But I didn't. Once I choose the word, I make the board. I have done the same board every year except 2013, so I tried something new. Ish. 

Once the ruler helped me make the nice straight lines,  I traced them with sharpie and got as nice, fine point one for the goals. My reading goals are at the top, and my others are at the bottom. At any point I can add to these, it isn't permanent, and I never sweat the ones I miss. 

As I reach my goals, I color them in. Sometimes I add another, sometimes I revel in my success and call it a day. It depends on the goal. As the year moves on, I may add more as they occur to me as well. 

Have you ever made an Achievement Board? Tag me on Insta if you post it, I love seeing them! @Barkingmadrun

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