Friday, December 20, 2019

Fiction Friday.... 2020 Reading Challenges

I haven't done a Fiction Friday in a really long time, and I was about to try and decide how far back to go, when I had a better idea! Let's talk about my reading plans for 2020. I read at least twice a week, more often if I'm nearing the end of a book and HAVE to know how it ends! 2019 was the first year I completed the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge.
I tried for three years to complete that challenge and it eluded me every year. The challenge dares you to read genres you wouldn't normally read, or authors you've never heard of. I didn't go for the Advanced prompts, although I think I did cover a few of them. In 2020, I'm going for the whole thing:
Image result for 2020 popsugar reading challenge

I have most of the books all planned out, using as many from my TBR shelves as possible. Yes, shelves. As in five. Volunteering at a use book store and frequenting Little Free Libraries is hazardous to my shelf space. There are 50 books on the list, and I've read 86 this year so far, so as long as I plan well. 

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Pop Sugar is my most important (to me) challenge. I have found a bunch more that will be fun to try, but I won't be heartbroken if I don't finish them. If I had to read one book for each prompt in every challenge, it would be hundreds of books, so I plan to allow myself to use one book for each challenge, without doubling it up in any one challenge. 
If I read Twisted Twenty Six by Janet Evanovich.....

 Image result for twisted twenty-six stephanie plum

It will be my "Book with twenty in the title". I could use it for several different prompts, but I will choose that one. I will then move onto the next challenge (I have them all in a handy little BuJo) which is a Book Bingo challenge. I can use that as a "book from last year's TBR" since I got it in 2019 but will read it in 2020. I will continue checking each challenge to see if the book fits in any of them, choosing only one prompt per challenge. Make sense? There will be books that will fit many challenges and books that only fit one or two.

Moving on!

2020 Book Bingo Reading Challenge with Shinjini. I love BINGO, so this was a no brainer. I have maybe a third of the squares planned out, and I will figure out more of them later. Sometimes I stumble onto books that work out and sometimes I am frantically doing a google search in November. It's how I roll.

The 2020 book bingo reading challenge prompts

This is exactly how it sounds. You need to find 9 books that either have a color in the title or predominantly featured on the cover

Image result for harry potter

This one is fun because the prompts are divided up into schools, and you are working your way from school to school. I have not even remotely planned this one out, I am hoping it works out on its own! There are over 50 prompts!

This challenge only uses books that you already own. If you take it down off of your shelf and read it, then the book counts. If you buy it, borrow it, and then immediately begin reading it, then it does not count. You cannot use library books. My first goal is Pike's Peak, which is 12 books. I am the worst at this, I am always finding new books and immediately reading them!

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Litsy is an amazing app, like Instagram for Book Nerds. There are swaps, challenges, games, and books. All the books. I am addicted. One of the members hosts the A to Z challenge each year and 2020 will be my first attempt. The goal is to read a book whose author's first or last names begin with each letter of the alphabet. So my example book above could count for J or E.

Image result for modern mrs darcy 2020 reading challenge

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This is another Litsy Challenge. The goal is to read a book that takes place in each country, and they provide a list and a google form to sign up. My first goal is to hit 10 countries. If that is all that I manage, I am fine with it! If I hit that goal faster than planned, I will raise the goal to 15 or 20.

2020 Reading Challenge

Love this one. Lots of unique prompts that will be fun to read. I haven't planned this one yet either, but it will be fun to try.

50 States Read Across the USA Reading Challenge

This is a fun challenge for any age level. Read a book that takes place in each state. If a book takes place in more than one state, I plan to write it down for each state, but in erasable ink, so that I can choose later which state to use it for. I printed out a blank map and will color in the states as I go, but only if it's decided about, not those books that I have written in erasable ink. 

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This is another Litsy Member Challenge. These three amazing ladies put on the challenge each year and give out prizes at the end of each season. . I did three seasons in 2019 and then totally blew off Fall. I plan to follow it all the way through in 2020. 

Whew! That is a lot challenges! There are so many more out there, but a girl has to draw the line somewhere. Or does she? Hmmmm...

I have read 86 books so far in 2019, and my goal was 50. And then it was 75. I will likely read at least two more. I am starting 2020 off with a goal of 75. Check back to see how I fare with all of my challenges.

Do you have reading goals for 2020?

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