Saturday, April 20, 2019

Camp Care 5k and Goat Yoga!

Today was my Trail 5k race and then later that afternoon I was signed up for Goat Yoga at a local park. The race started deliciously late, so I got to seep until 7 and take my time getting out of the house. Glorious! The course was very well marked, and very low key, with lots of walkers and people pushing strollers. It was cold and damp, but luckily it didn’t rain!
This was my first official long run of my Berlin Marathon training plan, so my goal pace was 15 minutes per mile. I wasn’t expecting much, since it was a trail race and had some hills. I certainly wasn’t expecting a PR, it was my fastest trail 5k..... ever!

After the race, I came home and took a shower, and then got back in the car and went to Goat Yoga. Just as it was time to go I had some gastric issues (I ate ice cream at the race) causing me to leave a little later then planned. Then a Road was closed, causing me to have to double back a few miles. It started pouring. By the time I arrived, just as it was supposed to start, I was near tears. Because of the rain, they delayed, so it all worked out! We started a bit late, but it was so worth it! It started raining as we were leaving which was fine with me! I will leave you with some pics, you have to try this if you can!

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