Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wordless Wednesday, WDW Half Marathon Edition

I am so easily convinced. My good friend and running buddy Shannon really loves Donald Duck. When I told her that he was on a medal, she about jumped out of her skin. We were considering doing Princess, but she really loves Donald. Sooooo

Inspiration for our costumes....

Next we need to secure the Tinkerbell Half for the Coast to Coast challenge. 
Do you like to Run Disney?


  1. I love marathon weekend at WDW better than Princess! Princess weekend can be super humid and there is A LOT of pink everywhere. ;)

    I'd choose Donald over Princess, too!

    1. I've never done Princess, I really LOVE WDW marathon weekend. I wish the teenie would cave in, but I let her choose, and see what it got me! lol

  2. I have never done Disney and I am not big on running in costumes but that Donald one is AMAZING and I want one!!!

    1. isn't it great? we are gonna look so cute! lol
