Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Be Fearless #REALwomenmove

I haven't kept it a secret that I am a Skirt Sports Ambassador, and thrilled about it! This weekend they are hosting a Virtual Race, the 261 Fearless race. You pick the distance, I am doing 2.61 miles as a shake out after my half marathon on Saturday.
If you register for the race, you get a bib, tank, and a gift certificate to spend at Skirt Sports.
Why 261? Most runners know the story about Katherine Switzer, the woman who bravely pinned on a bin for the Boston Marathon when women weren't allowed to run it.
When the director saw what she had done, he tried to pull her off the course. With the help of her boyfriend, Katherine finished the marathon.
Be Fearless in all you do.
Sign up for that race that scares you, whether it's your first 5k or a mud run or a marathon. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do it.
Be fearless.
Join me this weekend and be fearless.


  1. I'm so grateful for the things I take for granted, like clicking a button and registering for a marathon. 50 years ago, that just didn't happen. (clicking of the button or a woman registering for a marathon!) ;)

    1. isn't that insane? it's so easy to forget how things once were!
