Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February Challenges

It's no secret that I love challenges. Monthly challenges, year long challenges, anything to keep me motivated! I thought I would share them with you today. I print most of them out, and have them on the white board next to my desk. The photo challenges I save in my phone, since that's what I use to do them each day.
First, is the calendar challenge. I almost always use Sisterhood of the Shrinking jeans for these. If you don't like the one they are using currently, they keep all past calendars in one place on their website! This month they are focusing on abs:

I am taking part in Run This Year, a running challenge to hit 1000 miles. I am cautiously optimistic that training for a marathon will get me there, just so long as the next 11 months are nothing like January. In February, they are adding a Photo Challenge. I am squealing right now. I LOVE photo challenges!

Did I mention that I love photo challenges? Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans is having one as well. Score!

In January, I did a yoga challenge, and was thrilled that FitApproach has started one as well. It began yesterday, and lasts 30 days. Best part? You do your own thing, and there are prizes! You do not have to be a Sweat Pink Ambassador to play along, just do at least 5 minutes of yoga every day, post pics, and hashtag #TakeTheLeap #SweatPink and #prAna so they can see you!

This challenge carries over from January, and I found it at John Bingham's facebook page. Simply move your body every day for 30 minutes. Easy peasy! Plus, you get to color. I love to color.

Run With Jess is hosting a Winter Miles Challenge. I think this is week 4 out of 8. I have failed at every week, due to sickness and snow. Sigh. I just keep truckin'.

This is a year long challenge. It is my 3rd year trying, and I have yet to make it to the end! I have 2 jars so far, one for Wine n Dine and one for Marathon weekend. I may have to add a third if my friends and I decide to add RnR Dublin to our 2016 calendar!

Another annual challenge is the Declutter 365. Each month there is a printable calendar with daily assignments. So far so good on this one! There is a facebook group as well, for extra organizational ideas!

PopSugar Reading Challenge! I do the Goodreads challenge every year, but this one gives you assignments! I cannot wait to figure them all out! Good reads even has a handy search feature to give you choices for each category! fangirling!

52 Small Changes, also run by Sisterhood using the book below. They have a facebook page, and we are reading a chapter each week. Past chapters from January involved drinking water, proper sleep, journaling, and getting your 10k steps.

What challenges are you doing this month?

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