Saturday, February 1, 2014

Pretty Muddy 2014 #Giveaway

I love mud runs.
It is definitely no secret! If there is mud involved, I am there!

 Which is why, for the second year, I am honored to be a Pretty Muddy Ambassador!

Pretty Muddy is an all women's mud run! From their website:
Pretty Muddy was started by a couple of businessmen who were inspired by their wives – their pretty cool wives. Watching their partners juggle kids, households, carpools and careers – while still having time for the occasional ladies’ night – got the men thinking:
These awesome women deserve more time for themselves. Time for balance and time to be themselves without their families. Because even the greatest mom, businesswoman or grandma sometimes needs time that is just her own.
Like those pretty cool wives, today’s women are looking for a way to get together and focus on friendship, fun and fitness – without their significant others, their kids and the stress of the daily grind.
With the help of their wives and an incredible team of creative and motivated people, the two businessmen created an inaugural series of events called Pretty Muddy.
More than a mud run, it’s an exciting women-only event where you can let your hair down and have fun! And that’s pretty awesome.

What better way to participate in your first (or fifth, or tenth) mud run is there? You can see short clips of the obstacles here! They have also added a Family Edition, so you can get muddy with your kids!
As much as I would love to get Muddy this year, it just doesn't come close enough to me, here at the Jersey Shore. My loss is your gain, though!
Because Pretty Muddy gave me TWO registrations to give away! Party!!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Pretty simple, right? I will announce the winner on February 9th! Be sure that Pretty Muddy will coming to your area before entering!
Also, be sure to stalk Follow them so that you can see the awesome workouts and images they post!

Have you ever done a mud run?


  1. I love mud runs. I did do a longer comment about this but it wouldn't post.....

    1. I am so mad that this is happening to you, so weird!!!

    2. wouldn't it be great if the teenie signed out when she used my laptop!

  2. Not interested in the giveaway- b/c I dislike mudruns. Guess how many I did? Two and it was one too many b/c the second was supposssed to be a Foam run that had more mudobsacles than foam /whine :)

    Maryalicia <---dislikes getting dirty (sparkle swea does not count)

    1. lol you crack me up! that would have annoyed me, too. Although I do so LOVE getting muddy!

    2. ugh, that was me, the teenie didn't sign out when she used my laptop last!

  3. I wish there was one coming to my area!!!!!!!

    1. I know how you feel! I am bummed that it isn't closer to Jersey!!

  4. Never have! But it looks like a ton of muddy fun! Richmond is doable for me, so I'm gonna give it a shot!
