Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday, Confessions

In January I completed Dopey. 20+ pounds overweight.

I immediately joined WW after I returned. I hated it, even though it worked for me before.

And then, came

I used this as an excuse not to run, workout, or function as a responsible human being.

It's no surprise, that I am feeling terrible these days!

Mentally, and physically!


SO now it is time to take back my life!

 I updated my ticket at where my screen name is Kimmiep

I pre-ordrered the 21 Day Fix through Beachbody

I've got this!

Has this ever happened to you?


  1. I agree that there comes point where you get fed up and need to change. When my husband and I got our first apartment he brought the scale with him. I stepped on it for giggles and I was shocked by my #! I couldn't believe it. This was in 2011 and we were planning for our wedding in 2012. You would have thought that the wedding would have been my motivation to lose 20 pounds. Nope. It wasn't until 5 months after my wedding, that I decided to change my life and became a regular runner. It changed my life - my focus isn't on weight loss anymore but about feeling strong and being healthy.
    We all have days where we will feel like "crap" and eat bad stuff but the next meal is always a new start!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks girl! I feel like it is such a vicious cycle, it is making me feel yucky, and when I feel yucky I want comfort food, and so it goes! I can do this!!

  2. You can totally do this!

    I realized at the end of 2013 I was up about 10 pounds and not feeling too great about where I was. So I started to just get on the treadmill EVERY DAMN DAY and while I have at least once a week where I take a rest day (Saturday or Sunday), most days that I'm not at the gym, I'm completing 4-5 miles. And I started tracking my food again. I don't love doing it but it definitely holds me more accountable and I've lost 6 pounds since the start of the year. Ideally I would like to be down another 10 - not easy but possible! Let's get it done!

    1. Thanks Meridith, I have decided that at the least I will get my 10,000 steps a day, and plankaday, and keep building from there! we've got this! Congrats on the 6 pounds!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. LOL I accidentally pasted the wrong thing...

    with the exception of the Dopey part I could have written this post!!

    1. lol Gigi!!!!
      We can do this, and we will be doing a bunch of it together, which makes it even better!

  5. no doubt I've been in a rut before, acknowledging it is the first step HA! Plus HELLLLLOOOO you did Dopey!! I'm sure that took a lot mentally and physically, so now maybe with something more moderate you can get the eating on a normal level too
