Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mash Up Conditioning Workout DVD Review and #Giveaway

Around the time of the Disney Marathon, I was contacted by Jamie at Mash Up Conditioning. She asked if I would like to try their new workout DVD, Tempo, in exchange for a review, and I jumped right on it! She found me through Girls Gone Sporty, and I am glad she did!

What I love about these workouts, is that each one is 15 minutes long. You would be amazed at what kind of torture these ladies pout together in 15 minutes. Jamie and Stacy are both moms, and they get that many women don't have more than 15 minutes at a time to workout. They created this DVD, with seven workouts, each 15 minutes long, that combine Strength and Agility, Intervals, and Mind/Body core exercises in each workout! Lots of squats and lunges, combined with upper body movements using weights, core work, and intervals that just kick your butt!
They also have 3 different people in each workout, each working at a different level, and level one is demonstrated by a pregnant woman, showing you how to safely workout while you are pregnant. LOVE!
When I tried the first two workouts, I was trapped in the house by yet another snow storm! I did T1, then walked in place while watching When Calls the Heart, then did T2. Then I plopped on the couch to die in peace. Squats, lunges, planks, ab work, intervals. Ouch. I felt thoroughly worked out, and I was a sweaty mess! I used my kettle bell for one of the exercises, but they demonstrated it using hand weights! 

I also loved the timer in the bottom left corner. At any given moment, you knew how much time you had left before you could die in peace. It was perfect! The instructions were always very clear, the exercises were easy to follow, and there were plenty of ways to modify. Anyone can do these workouts! I look forward to trying T3-7. Included with the DVD is nutrition advice as well as a calendar to help you maximize the benefits!
(In case you are curious about my collage pics, the tank is Swirlgear and the cute lil foot belongs to my buddy Bryce. I run for him, because he cannot run himself. He made me that foot as a shrinky dink!)
The ladies at Mash Up Conditioning have also given me a DVD to pass on to one of my readers! Wooohooo!
The rafflecopter link is below, and I will hold the giveaway for 10 days. I don't usually run 2 giveaways at a time, but I couldn't resist!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What is your favorite type of workout?

Ways to stalk the ladies at Mash Up:


  1. This sounds like an awesome workout, I would love to try it! My fave workout is running, closely followed by spinning.

    1. I still have to try spinning, I am intrigued! Good luck!

  2. My fave workouts are running, kickboxing, weights and snowboarding! :)

  3. snowboarding scares me! Good luck!!!
