Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wordless Wednesday, Official Disney Park Photos Edition

My friend Colleen and I got Memory Makers, and we took full advantage! Here are my favorites out of the 300+ photos I had to choose from! I wrote my Swirlgear almost every day! Check them out, and tell them I sent you!

OMG He's so pretty!

and he knows it!

showing Minnie her medals!

Buzz Lightyear ride, Colleen slayed me! It wasn't even close!

I'm all like….. wtf? 

we rock!

our host for dinner

that Goofy, always goofing off!

Donald liked his medal, too!

earn all the medals!!!!

Mickey was impressed

I was so apprehensive, but I loved it!

Lightening!!!! Mater!!!!

after the 5K

Chip n Dale tried to get Colleen's digits


Snow White on our first night in Disney

the dude kept telling us to get closer, I think he thought we were a couple!

first night!

last night! Pretty!!!

our romantic Paris photo 


  1. Love this! Makes me a little sad I am skipping Disney next year.....

    1. That makes me sad too! Hopefully, you will go in 2016! Disney with you would be a blast!

  2. YAY, Disney photos! You got some great shots! :-D

    1. Aren't Disney photos fun!! We had a blast stalking the photographers! I can't wait until I can buy the Dopey pics!
