Friday, January 24, 2014

Walt Disney World Inaugural Minnie Mouse 10K….. Dopey Day 2

I know it has been a few days since I posted about the 5K, but life is just a crazy thing, getting in the way, ya know?
After the 5K, Colleen and I went to Hollywood Studios, and walked around. A lot. We had dinner at Kona, which was SO good, and then we went back to the hotel and went to bed early. Ish. We tried anyway! It got easier after each race, buy the first couple of nights were harder.
We rolled out of bed entirely too early Friday morning, got dressed, and headed out. It was crazy humid and a little warm out. We waited a bit for the bus, but not long, and made our way back to the scene of the crime.
 The theme of the day was Toy Story, and I dressed as the Etch a Sketch. We made it for the PbRC group photo, and I fangirled a bit, privately, that I was standing very close to Pam, from We Run Disney. Sad but true. Not that you can tell, lol. It was dark. And damp.

There was a whole group dressed as Toy Story characters, it was quite hysterical. We went over to hang for a bit, and I found my one and only twin! Of course, a pic was gonna happen!

We went to our corral, and prepped for day two. Strategy didn't change: take our time, but not too much time, and enjoy the day.
Our corral was called, and we ran through the arch for the second time! That never gets old, in case you wonder. Disney does it right, let me tell ya! The 10K course was very similar to the 5K course, but you ran through a whole lot of nothing before you hit EPCOT. For real. Over three miles of nothing, to be exact. When we finally hit EPCOT, there was lots of cheering and yelling, and the Cast Members were fabulous as always!
Like crazy crazy humid. My costume was just that. A costume. And it wasn't breathing. I had to pull it down for a good portion of the race!
We stopped at mile 1.25 to pee and the line was 16 minutes long. For real. I got a good shot of Peter Pan while we waited though. Woot. Sorry random strangers, but I was not standing on that line!

After we entered EPCOT, we stopped so Colleen could use an actual bathroom! The line here was only a few minutes and we took advantage of the stop for a pic. See? Costume pulled down! Totally forgot to pull it up for the pic! Blogger FAIL!
After EPCOT you ran around the Boardwalk which was a fun diversion! They even had a Goofy who was totally dressed in a GIANTS uniform! For real. The line was, of course, too long, so we stopped for a random shot and moved on.

See? GIANTS colors! Go Goofy!!!
Back into EPCOT we ran, and to the Finish line! It took us nearly 2 hours, but since at least 20 minutes were bathroom stops, we were super happy with our time!
 I swear, we do not plan these costumes together, but day 2 of our colors matching? Craziness!
Bracelet #2 collected, medal collected, food collected, and yes! I totally ate the Skittles first! The pic of the Garmin is Colleen's watch, it pauses when we do, so our official time was 1:33. Not too shabby!
 We showered, dressed, and ran right to the Magic Kingdom to run rampantly through the park. Who needs to rest? It's not like we still have a Half AND a Full to run! OOOPS!
 Gaston was so worth the line we waited on! Colleen tried to pick him up, but he insisted he was getting married that night. You know, to Belle. Poor sucker. He did point out that is muscle made my medal look small. We laughed for like 10 minutes while we held up the line taking all kinds of pictures.
 After we flirted and giggled with Gaston, we dashed over to Minnie Mouse. It was her race, after all! Our guy was not good with the camera! Poor Colleen is a little blurry, but she was sporting her Raw Threads Minnie shirt, and her cute Hidden Mickey skirt from Sparkle Skirts! I, of course, am decked out in my Vintage Swirlgear!
Whew! We rode some rides, and had some crazy fun, hit Tony's for dinner (no bread! They don't serve bread before your meal! HOW am I supposed to carb load people?!?!) and then back to the hotel for another night of early bed time!
I just know that I left all kinds of stuff out, but all the pain and suffering  fun is starting to fade! I should have taken notes!
I was thrilled to be part of an Inaugural race. Funny story, the word Inaugural is misspelled on the 10K bibs, but we had Dopey bibs, so we missed out on that fun! The course was fun once you got through those first 3.5 miles, which is not great since it is only 6.2 miles! The crowds were amazing, the Cast Members and volunteers were fantastic!
They had some great Characters, which we didn't stop at due to long bathroom lines.
The rude racers started at the 10K, and continued throughout the rest of the weekend, although only a few were memorable, which is good! Definitely a little bit of pushing, nudging, and body checking started during this race, which was frustrating, but obviously not Disney's fault!
Overall, we had a great time, and other than needing more fun during those first 3.5 miles or so, Disney did a great job, as usual!
The food box doesn't change. Ever. Some variety would be nice, especially since we only ate maybe 1/3 of what they gave us!
Like I said, I am sure I am leaving things out, but I guess that happens!
Race Goggles are on now, so a lot of the things I was bothered by then, have faded away now!!

What are you doing to keep your body moving this weekend?


  1. You mentioned in this post my only concern about doing Dopey......I really want to to say I did and get all that bling but I also have never been to Disney in my life and would like to enjoy it and running 40 whatever miles at ass o'clock in the morning will get in the way.......

    1. You can do the 10K and the Full with me in 2015 and go Dopey in 2016, then you will be able to enjoy Disney your first time! I am still going to go early, to maximize my Disney time, Wednesday to Monday!

  2. Haha, LOVE your costume! Too cute! But, yeah, I hear you on the humidity that morning -- it was GROSS. Your Gaston picture is priceless!

    1. lol looks familiar? I think yours was better though! I think that Gaston pic may be my favorite of all!
