Friday, December 27, 2013

Looking Back on 2013

In December 2012, I watched a movie (a knock off of the Little Women in modern days) which led me to make my Achievement Board for 2013.

Some of the goals were fitness related, some were not. As I completed them, I colored in the space. It filled up very nicely, I must say. I did not meet all of my goals, and that is fine with me, especially since I can see all of the spaces I did fill in!
Do a duathlon: DONE! I did the Tuckahoe duathlon, which I am doing again in 2014 with my friend!

Money Challenge: This is a weekly challenge, where you put a dollar in a jar in week one, $2 in week 2, etc. If you do it right, you end up with over $1000. I didn't so it right. I kept taking the money out when the kids needed $5, and never put it back. Fail.

PR in a Half Marathon Course: DONE!!! I ran the Long Branch Half faster this year than last year. Score!

750 followers on Twitter: Done, with gusto! I am actually in the 1700s now and hope to break 2000 in 2014.  Do you follow me?

400 followers on Facebook: Done, also with gusto! I am at almost 1000 right now, do you follow along there?

Do a pull up: It took almost all year, but I managed one. One. I hope to increase that number in 2014. I should probably train. Or something. Yeah....

Raise $1000 for the Cancer Concern Center. I raised several thousand this year, for the Center and for Komen as well!

Complete a Fitocracy Achievement and Quest: Done. I stopped using the app though. They changed it up partway through the year and the changes frustrated me.

PR in a 10K: I PRd for the course, and overall at the Brielle Day 10K. Shortly after, my knee issues started. Dangit!

Read a Classic: Not yet, but I am halfway through Pride and Prejudice. I hope to park my butt this weekend and get er done!

Reach the 150s. Yeah, this happened. For like 5 seconds. I am now quite a distance from the 150s, so this is back on my board for 2104.

Complete NASM studies and pass the test: Umm. I don't know what happened, but I derailed. I plan to start back up again in March when I am done traveling back and forth to Florida for races!

Read 25 books: SCORE! I think I might be close to 30!

Reach Uranus for Half Fanatics: DONE! I hope to bump up another level in the Spring when I do back to back Halfs!

Complete the Disney Marathon: DONE, early in the year! Next stop....Dopey!!

Run 614 miles: Last year I ran 613 total, obvious goal is 614. I beat that on December 1st! I will set my goal for 2014 on January 1, once I know my total for 2013!

13 in 2013: My goal was Half Marathons although you could choose any distance, or combine them! In 2014, I will be doing 14 halfs, and already have 11 scheduled!

Run Your A$$ Off: A Run With Jess challenge, which I completed!

Raise $1000 for Komen: DONE plus extra ;)

Run 15 5Ks: I believe I ended the year with 18, DONE!

PR on a 5K course: DONE, a few times! It was a good year for PRs!

Run 2 Mud Runs: I completed 3, and hope to do 3 in 2014 as well. I am addicted! I am overcautious, but I have fun!!!

Run three 5 mile races: DONE!

Run in a new state: I added Rhode Island and Myrtle Beach to the map this year!

600 Followers on Twitter: I added this one when I hit 400. As I mentioned before, DONE!!

PR in a Five Mile Race: I did this at the Turkey Trot, as well as the Spring Lake Five. Great year!! Oh yeah, and the Firecracker Five, so I PRd at every one I did this year. Score!!

200 followers om Facebook: I obviously had small goals when I started out! I need to reach higher i 2014!!

PR at a Half Marathon overall: DONE at the Biggest Loser Half! I think that meeting Dan motivated me!

Finish a training program: This was rough! I did finish Slim in 6, and hope to complete P90X in 2014. I always start off strong and then stray......

Become a BeachBody Coach: I did do this. But it didn't last long. It seemed like everyone I knew was already a coach and I had no one to sell to. :::sigh:::

5:00 plank. Epic Fail. My best time was 4:00 which is still pretty awesome. I haven't planked regularly in ages. I made that part of one of my January challenges, to get back on track, and will shoot for 5:00 in 2014.

Lose a Marathon in pounds: I did that. gained most of it back. A success and an epic fail, all at once. No worries, though, I am a work in progress, and will focus more on better eating habits in 2014. Or not. But I will keep running, so there is that!

Fitocracy Level 20: I met that goal before I dropped the app.

Spark People level 17: This one was lofty, I am almost there, but won't hit it until probably February. I hope to hit level 18 in 2014.

Learn to paddle board: SCORE! My good friend Cathi took me out and I did really well. Only fell in 3 times, and will definitely paddle more next summer. It.was.awesome.

Weigh 150: yeah, that didn't happen. 150 was my wedding day weight, and I have weighed way less since then, but I find that my motivation comes and goes. These days my body really likes 165 and I am finding it hard to get below that. I plan to really focus on adding strength training in 2014, which I know will help.

1000 followers on Twitter: DONE!

Attend 10 classes at Shore Point Fitness: I even signed up for 10. And paid for them. And took maybe 3. Or 2. I cannot remember. The pass expired before I used the rest. I signed up to take yoga, and then they cancelled it. Ugh. I love them the gym, though, and hope to attend their newer, larger facility this coming year, especially since they added the yoga back. I will pay the drop in fee though, since something always seems to come up. (It was the teenie every darn time, needing rides home from rehearsals!) This year, she drives, so I am optimistic!

2000 Twitter followers. Not there yet, and not optimistic, but will definitely hit that in 2014. Considering how many followers I had in January, I am thrilled with my progress thus far!

250 Blog Posts:  This post will be #356, I believe, so, SCORE!!!

500 Followers on Facebook: SCORE!!!!

I have already made my board for 2014, and filled in some initial goals. I will post about that in the next few days!

Looks great, right? I have filled in a few more, for  a total of 33 goals met, with one more that I will reach, and one that I can dream about! (Follow me on Twitter! Tell your friends!)

Have you though about your goals for 2014 yet?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Looking back on it in writing feels a lot better than just remembering, if that makes sense. It looks pretty good on "paper"

  2. What a great year! I hit all my goals for 2013 but I really only had one, which was run my first marathon. I am still writing up my year in review. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for 2014.

  3. Love this blog post! And great job!

    1. Money Challenge: I would have failed too!

    2. 400 followers on Facebook: I follow! Looking forward to your 1000 Big giveaway!!


    1. Thanks Maryalicia! I will be doing a 1000 followers/Blogaversary giveaway on January 3 :)
