Thursday, December 5, 2013

A few months ago I applied to become an Ambassador for, thinking that with it being such a big program I had no chance. I love the challenges, and the features, so I thought I would give it a shot anyway.
At the end of September, I was amazed to receive an email telling me that out of over 50 applicants, I was one of the 5 Ambassadors chosen! Holy heck!
I was also excited to find that my good friend and fellow blogger Gigi from Running on Candy was also chosen! We are running several races together in 2014, and it will be even more fun to be running as twins! Why? Because, as Ambassadors, we were given gear to wear at our races!
Look familiar? I posted this for Wordless Wednesday!
I received a tee, tech tank, tech long sleeved shirt, running jacket, and a Bondi Band. Jealous yet?
Wondering, maybe, about
Some of the features of the website are:

  1. joining Team Events like Ragnar (although you do have to pay for the race fees and travel expenses)
  2. access to Challenges! I will talk more about these in more detail, but they have great medals you can earn! The sooner you sign up, the cheaper they are, because the price goes up as more people sign up.
  3. FREE training plans
  4. articles
  5. Member area to make it easier to find all of your challenges, etc in one place!
There will be a lot of Challenges this year, but for now, check out these to get 2014 started off right:

How do you earn this one? During 2014, run 3 out of the 4 following distances: 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Full Marathon. (Hmmmmm…..Dopey, anyone?)
Easy, right? You have all year to get this done!
Remember how I mentioned that you need to sign up early? This race is currently at $20, with $25 being the maximum. Sign up soon to guarantee the $20 price here!

The Grand Slam is earned when you run all 4 of the distances above. (Dopey…….) during the 2014 racing season! Again, you have all year to earn this bad boy! (I will have this one in Disney in January, woot!) Oh, wait! Bonus: If you sign up for the Grand Slam, you automatically get the Hat Trick as well! That's right~ double bling! My neck is really going to ache after Dopey! I will have earned 8 medals over that long weekend!
This one is currently at $25, with $30 being the maximum. Register soon! You can sign up here!

ooooohhhhh a mystery medal! I might maybe kinda sorta already pretty much know what it will look like. You know, because I am special. It is awesome. Truly.
It is the Interstate Challenge, and it is easy to earn. Just run two marathons and/or half marathons in two different states or provinces to earn it. Again, you have all year!
This one is currently at $15, but it will jump to $20 soon (if it hasn't already!) with $25 being the maximum. Hurry!!!!!! Sign up here. I will post an official pic of the medal as soon as I have it!

Ok, I have saved the best for last!
If you are running Disney in January, and you are earning one of the first two medals I posted,
In Disney. 
For real.
They have a Facebook event page and will be in Downtown Disney handing out the medals! They will be there from 6:00 until 8:00 so cruise on by and say hello! They will be hanging out near the PI Live Bar near Raglan Road! It is a FREE event, food and drink will be available for purchase at all of the usual Downtown Disney locations!

What challenge will you sign up for?


  1. I am doing the Hat Trick Challenge next year, can not wait. Congrats on being an Ambassador!
