Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekly Chase

Each Monday you set weekly goals for yourself, to help you stay accountable. I am *all* for accountability, so I have decided to join the Chase!
My goals for last week were:

  1. Follow the calendar for the School House Rock Hard Abs Challenge with Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans .......DONE!!!
  2. Keep up with my Plankaday Challenge with Running for Dummies. I am number 12 on the leaderboard right now, but just barely! .....Still holding at #12!!!!
  3. Run 2 easy short runs, about 3 miles .... a cold kept me from running :(
  4. Kick some butt at Rock n Roll Philly on Sunday! I would love to PR, but my main goal is to have FUN! No PR, but it was a great race! The last 3 miles were ROUGH!
  5. Work on my eating. I am still eating way too much junk, whether I stay in my calorie range or not! Definitely doing better!!!

This week's goals:

  1. Recover from the Half!!!
  2. keep up the Plankaday Challenge at Running for Dummies
  3. Run 2 very easy runs this week
  4. Run 4-5 miles this weekend
  5. Keep up with School House Rock Hard Abs Calendar!

What are your goals this week?

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