Monday, May 29, 2017

Jimmie Johnson Fit Fest 8k Trail Race

Wow! That's a mouthful!
I almost don't know where to start with this! Are you a NASCAR fan? I'm not, so I had no idea who Jimmie was. I spoke to more than one person who drive in from our of state just because he would be there. (As well as Lance Armstrong and Jason Sehorn!)
The event was amazing, I'm not gonna lie. You definitely don't need to be a fan to appreciate it. There was a 5k and 8k trail race, a 2k Spartan Kids race, and 2 bicycle trail races. The Spartan races ran all day, the 8k started at 8, with the other races following.

We had to park at a nearby high school and take a short shuttle ride to the park, so I got there nice and early. Maybe a little too early, but that's okay.

I walked around a bit, checking everything out, and met up with some friends....

We talked until it was time to line up. The race director gave directions, the anthem was sung, Jimmie made a speech, and then we were off.

Most of the first mile was a rocky road, but then we hit the actual trail, and then it got real. I have Ragnar in less than a week, so I was super cautious. I walked a lot. It was beautiful, and I enjoyed the view.

The humidity also took its toll, and there was a group of 5 back of the packers all walking together for mile 4. We all separated at the end, so we could finish strong.

One of my friends placed in her age group and the prize was pretty great. A cap and a cooling cloth with Jimmie' s number on it.

There was live music and food trucks at the finish, but I high tailed it out of there and met the hubs for waffles instead.
I really enjoyed the race and I'll definitely try it again next year! It was super well marked and the volunteers are awesome!
posted from Bloggeroid


  1. I had no clue who he was until I lived in NC either LOL
