Friday, May 12, 2017

Flat Mama Friday and the Maine Coast 262 Half Marathon

Today we hopped a flight to Boston and drove to my other happy place...
I adore Maine.

I received a free entry into the Maine Coast 262 Half Marathon as a BibRave Pro (ambassador) in exchange for an honest review. Check out to read and write race reviews!

We got to the hotel around 3 and met up with my friend and fellow Jersey girl, Shannon. The hubs did some work while we went to bib pick up at the University of New England.

It was a small expo, with a large store area that sells everything you might have forgotten at home.... gels and bars, clothes, etc. There was also a booth selling medal racks. We went to the back to pick up our bibs.

It was quick and painless, but there was no shirt. I was confused for a bit until a volunteer told us that we had to buy them when we registered. I totally missed that, but they were selling them in the merch area. They only had size small and XXL, so no shirt for me. It's all good though, I'll buy a tee in town tomorrow and that will do me just fine. The cute sticker came with the bib, which was a nice touch.

On our way out, we found this little gem....

Y'all, it was a legit Champagne tanker. If there is Champagne in there, they better have it at the finish line!

We let the hubs come have dinner with us, wasn't that sweet? It worked out pretty well, because he ordered a really yummy dessert which I ate 75% of...

Ok, time for bed, 6 am comes early, and I cannot wait to run along the Maine Coast. Stay tuned for about a billion pictures of the ocean and at least one of the bling!

posted from Bloggeroid

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