Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday Training Update

This week, I really took hold of my training plan and followed it! This is often hard for me to do, I definitely have a tendency to have an all or nothing approach.... oh, I had some cookies at lunch? Let's eat all the food all day, because I blew the day anyway. Skipped a workout? Might as well not work out again until Monday.
Have you ever felt like that?
It's brutal. You are literally your own worst enemy. You just can't get out of your own way.
When there are weeks like this, weeks where I managed to work out pretty much every day, I want to shout it from the roof tops. This is huge, people.
Ok, let's get serious.
Thursday: PiYo lower body and FIRM sculpting ball workout. I really felt like working the upper body that day! And work it out I did. That ball only weighs 5 pounds or so, but they really torture you with it! The boy and I also went for a hike to the bridge.

Friday:  expo day! I flew to Newark, and then we drove to Philly for the Hot Chocolate 15k. There was lots of walking, and that's about it. But there was lots of walking.
Did I mention the walking?

Saturday: Hot Chocolate 15k. It was a rainy mess, but I got it done. 

Sunday: the hubs and I went for a trail hike in the Uwharrie National Forest. We were really checking out the off roading situation for the boys, but he threw in the hike to placate me. It worked. Two mile hike, very mountainous, very pretty. This is just one of the zillions of pictured I took. I can't wait to go back!

Monday: the start of a challenge group for 22 Minute Hard Corps, using the Beachbody app, which I am just loving! We started off with Cardio 1 and Core 1. I also went for a 4+ mile hike and a dog walk.

Tuesday: Resistance 1 plus hill repeats with the Fleet Feet Fort Mill running group. No pics from.that, since it's a running group and that's not cool. It was a great group, I hope to work with them in their next round.

Wednesday:  Cardio 1 and Core 1 plus a dog walk. 
This weekend is RnR Raleigh, I will be doing the Remix Challenge and continuing 22 Minute Hard Corps.

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