Sunday, March 1, 2015

Fabulous Fit Gear Swap with Bendiful Blog

I was so thrilled to see that Renee from was hosting a Fit Gear Swap in February ! I had some bad luck with a swap at Christmas, and I knew this would be the right time to try again! 
I was lucky to be paired with Annmarie from FitFoodieMama, a blog I already follow!
I got my package right on time and was happy to see so many things I love inside!

Are you jealous? You totally should be! Wanna join in? You totally can!
How does it work?
So how does it work? 
  • Each month you can sign up for the gear swap. You will be matched with another swapper. You will purchase $20 worth of gear that you think your swapper would like. (if they are into YOGA DO NOT buy them Crossfit gear, please)  It’s a great way to share your favorite items with people who are also interested in great gear.
  • You MUST sign up through the form by the 5th of the month, and agree to ship your gear out by the 15th of the month.
  • You will email your match and get an idea of their workout gear likes and dislikes, ask for sizing if you plan to look for apparel, no one wants gear that doesn’t fit.
  • The Best part YOU will also receive a package each month from your match!
  • Get great gear and meet some new friends throughout the month.
  • CURRENTLY ONLY open to people in the United States.
  • On the last day of the month, you can share (Blog, tweet, facebook, instagram) your new fit gear with the hashtag #fabulousfitgear
  • I will host a blog link up here at for all the blog posts!

I hope I see some great swap pics from you all next month!

What's the coolest thing you have gotten from a swap?


  1. I had a bad pair up for a Christmas swap too- so I was thrilled that this one was fun! :)

    1. I'm glad you had fun, I look forward to march!

  2. Yeah, Christmas swaps can be rough, but I have a feeling we all like similar things!

  3. Those are awesome items! The #FabulousFitGear swap is a great idea. :)
