Thursday, May 29, 2014

Marathon Training with Pacebands

****I was given a free Paceband in exchange for a review. As always, all opinions are my own!****

My training doesn't truly start until next week, but I have been pre-training with my Run the Edge planner. I even built in a few extra weeks in case a week goes awry along the way!
A couple weeks ago, I started following Pacebands on Twitter and was completely amazed when they contacted me about trying their band in exchange for a review. My contact Jayme said she read my blog, and thought I was a good fit for their bands.
My first, second, and third thought were that I wasn't worthy of being given such a product for free. I am such a slow runner! 
I wrote back anyway, and just put it right out there that I am slow. 

For real, how perfect is Jayme? I was checking out their Facebook page at about this time, and at the top of the page was a meme about the very same thing! I was in love! I am definitely my worst critic, something I need to work on!

So Jayme sent me a code and I went to their site to order my Paceband. They come in half and full marathon. You choose your distance, your pace, and the color of your band.
Distance? No brainer: marathon
Color? Another no brainer: lime green! It makes me smile!
Goal time: ummmmmm my goal is 5:30 but I almost clicked 6:00. I know that if I stick to my training I can hit 5:30, but my inner devil voice was telling me I should shoot for 6:00 for a better chance at hitting my goal. 

I sucked it up, and clicked 5:30. I know I can do it, and now I have the band to get me there!
I am loving the lime green, it always makes me happy!
I love wearing it on my long runs to see how I'm doing! Yesterday's run was a bit slow in the end, but I totally blame the heat! It was in the 80s and very humid! The first five miles were great, with under 12 minutes per mile, but the last three? Ugh! We jogged 6 and 7, and mostly walked the 8th, but we got it done!!

Look at all the salt on my hat! Yikes!

Pacebands are affordable, too, at just $8.99 each!

***** If you click on the link and order a Paceband, I will get a small commission. *****

If you order a Paceband, what color, distance, and time would you get?


  1. With my first full coming - as if you didnt know,,,,,my goal really is to finish and that is it. If I can do it in under 6 hours - BONUS.

    1. you can totally do this! We will definitely finish under 6, and probably finish close to 5:30. Because we rock. And because Dave is buying us drinks afterwards. Oh yeah!

  2. I'd buy the 3:30 band for the full. When I ran my first/only marathon (Pittsburgh 2014, back in May), I held on with the 3:30 pace group for the first 15 miles then hit the wall due to my own silliness (didn't eat nearly enough during the 2 days before the race), finishing in 3:51. I vow to someday deliver a full in 3:30 so that would be the band I'd buy.

    1. you can do it! I have had a few half marathons like that, it starts off so well, and then you just lose it.
