Sunday, March 9, 2014

Girls on the Run

I am so excited!
Starting Monday, I will be an assistant coach for Girls on the Run, a nonprofit running program that girls off the couch, and on to the track! The girls I will be coaching are in grades 3 through 8.


  1. This is so awesome. I am feeling slightly jealous for all the amazing bloggers who are doing this! We don't have one in our area and I would love to do one!!!!!

    1. You can totally look into this in your area. The training is super easy and the program is amazing! You will need a co-leader, although parents are usually great for that, there is always at least one willing to help out!

  2. Me, too. I'm in Lawrenceville.

    Run like G! Check them out anyway. If they have a willing coach, like you, they might add a location. I was asked to form a team 2 1/2 years ago, but turned it down because the timing was wrong. In the meantime, they found other coaches and worked out some (not all) of the logistical issues. Keep asking! They are expanding by leaps and bounds.

    1. I am so excited to get started! I go right from work, but luckily I babysit, so I can go to work in running clothes :)

  3. That is awesome!!!
