Friday, March 7, 2014

Fitness Friday

It has been a busy week, so I will try to catch up with it all today!
Monday I took a rest day after that crazy half marathon! I was a little achey, but nothing too crazy. I did do my jumping jacks, though!
these are my March Challenges, so far so good!

The chafing I got at the race was the worst part of it, and it plagued me for a few days!
Tuesday, I did FIRM Thin in 30 and marched while I watched TV to get my 10K steps in. It was also a good mail day, because I got my new Sparkle Skirt! I got it to wear with my Digital Running gear at upcoming races!

Wednesday, the weather was finally good for outdoor running! I had side on the schedule, but my new kicks aren't here yet, and my back ups make my shins ache! I did four miles, stretching my shins every mile, and called it quits! The timer is for my plank, I haven't planked every day, but almost!

Thursday was another DVD day, this time, back to back FIRM Thin in 30 DVDs, plus I walked to and from work, and paced while I waited for the bus, fort a total of three miles! Wednesday night I got new Trainers, and tried them out on Thursday. LOVE! They are a fabulous deep purple and they make my heart happy!

Today is another rest day. I considered running, but I have a long run tomorrow and decided against it. I did walk home from work, which is about 1.3 miles with a quick detour that probably brought it a little over 1.5 miles. I also had another great mail day! I got my Digital Running Club medal for the Interstate Challenge. This thing is HEAVY! It is also HUGE! I must also say that I entered my second race into the database either Sunday night or Monday morning, and it came today! Super Speedy!

Speaking of challenges with Digital Running, I have the pic of the first medal in their Spring Dawn Challenge! isn't it adorable? I love the colors and I cannot wait to have to whole set! My March race is already entered, and I have plenty of them in April and May to meet the requirements!

I also got my Sparkly Soul thin gold headband. I won it through a contest on Twitter on Oscar night! I don't have any of the skinny headbands, so I was excited to win this one! I just hope the teenie doesn't steal it. She was oddly excited when I won.....

I was hoping that my new kicks would come today! They were supposed to arrive yesterday, and UPS has handed them over to the USPS for delivery this morning! The mailman has already been here, so I am guessing tomorrow? I can no longer track it, which is so frustrating. Know what I mean?
I do not have a race this weekend, which feels strange, but tomorrow is my long run.
My next race is the Michelob Ultra 13.1 in New York with my good friend Gigi from Running on Candy! I even get to crash at her house! Woot!

Are you racing this weekend? Where?