Monday, October 7, 2013

The Color Run, Lehigh Valley PA ... and a Giveaway Winner!

****I received two free registrations in exchange for this review. As always, all opinions are my own***

Saturday morning, my teenie and I got up super early, an headed to PA for the Color Run. We did one together last year in Brooklyn, and were looking forward to a more scenic event! The closer we got, the more Fall-like the trees became! About halfway there, this happened:

Ugh! This happened last week as well, I am not sure what the problem is, but it isn't the tire! I stopped to check it, just to be sure, and we continued on. Eventually,  the light went off on its own. Weird.
We got there with 45 minutes to spare, hit a little traffic, but parked on a back road fairly easily. We posed for some "before" pics....

The view of the area was amazing! I love Pennsylvania!

We made our way to the Check In tent, and were greeted with a very very long line. Our start time was 9:00, and it was 8:30 when we got on line.

Not good! By the time we got our bibs and tees it was almost 9:15. By the time we got to start the race it was 9:30. It was total chaos, way too many people leaving all at once. They do tell you to come early, and we had planned on being an hour early, but the car trouble and traffic when we arrived through us off a bit!

We finally got to start, but running was not really an option. Everyone was walking, sometimes in groups 6 across, and you couldn't get through easily at first. We ran when we could, walked when we couldn't, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.
The color stations were also insane. There were so many people that you couldn't get to the volunteers with the color. A lot of people, including us, were just picking it up off the ground and throwing it at each other, kids made color angels, which was cute but dangerous, given the number of people coming through!

We ran through part of Muhlenburg University, which was a very scenic campus! There were brick sections of the road, which we walked over, and some breathtaking buildings.

We decided to run the last kilometer and the teenie took off ahead of me. I lost her for a bit at the finish, there were just so many people in large clumps everywhere! I caught the end of the after party, and then we found each other.

We took out our color packets, which we got to choose (so cool) and attacked each other with them. Time for our after pics! The teenie grabbed some color at the red station and used it was war paint! Look at that face!
She was so proud, she beat her best 5k time by 4-5 minutes!

Overall, we had an amazing time. There were far too many people, and not enough staff on hand to keep things moving in a timely manner, but he color station volunteers were all amazing, I have to say! Very high energy!
Also, there was very little police presence, and only one cop directing traffic.
It is definitely a fun family event, and a great way to get people moving! If the Color Run comes through your area, I highly suggest grabbing a group of friends and going. For all of the little glitches that races are bound to have, it really is an amazing time. Everyone is having fun out on that course, and it is a great way to get your family moving! Even babies in strollers are welcome to come have a great time.
You can find the Color Run
and youtube

Congratulations to Lisa Tran for winning the MRTT Prize Pack! Lisa already gave me her info and her prize will be in the mail in the next day or so!
Be on the lookout for the next giveaway.....

Have you ever done a Color Run?

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