Thursday, October 24, 2013

Michelle Bridges 12 week Body Transformation

****I have been given access to a 5 week preview of Michelle Bridge's 12 Week Body Transformation in exchange for posts about my experiences, whatever they may be. As always, all opinions are my own.****

It's not a secret that I struggle with my diet and with cross training. I have no problem lacing up 3-4 times a week and logging in whatever miles I need to do, depending on my current training schedule.
I love to run.
I love to race.
Especially in a Sparkly Skirt or a Tutu.
I do love all forms of cross training, but I lack the motivation. I don't know why, I always feel *amazing* afterwards, whether it be a bike ride, weight training, Zumba, whatever! I have a TON of DVDs. Yoga, pilates, Kickboxing, weight training. You name it, I probably have it. And the gear? Yeah, I have that, too! All of it!
I like the gym, but I tend to get annoyed by the people. The gym is supposed to be your happy place, but there always seems to be someone all up in your grill, whether it be sweaty guy, or that chick who knows *nothing* about personal space. She usually shows up late, too. UGH!
When I was offered the opportunity to try out this amazing program through Girls Gone Sporty, I was thrilled. I filled out the interest form, and waited, with baited breath, for the email to come saying that I got in. Luckily I had the Runner's World Hat Trick to distract me!
When I got the email, I jumped for joy. OK, I wiggled with joy, because I was in the car. Jumping would have been dangerous, possibly deathly!
How can I not be excited? Michelle is one of the trainers from Biggest Loser Australia! Who wouldn't want a peek into her training world?
So far, I am loving the program. I am in "pre-season", which is the prepping phase! I literally just received my first week's plans in an email about 15 minutes ago, but I am waiting to check it out until after I write this post!
So far, I have been doing my pre-season homework: Setting goals, prepping my kitchen, and taking the fitness test.
Let's start with my goals. I set goals for the next 12 months, broken into smaller sections of one month, six months, and twelve months.
My one year goal is:
I am making a Commitment to Me. In the next year, I will lose 18 pounds and maintain that weight, I will progress up to holding a 7 minute plank (my best is 4), I will learn 8 new yoga poses, I will finish my 13th Half in 2013, complete the Dopey Challenge during WDW Marathon Weekend, train and complete back to back Halfs in the Spring, and begin training for my first non-Disney marathon (Atlantic City, NJ October 2014). I will master the pull-up and do more than one at a time. I will follow the meal plan, complete my workouts, and put me first.
Not too shabby, right?
I can totally do this, and I will feel so amazing when I am done.
Prepping my kitchen is another story! My hubs and kids *freaked* when I said I was tossing processed foods out. Don't get me wrong, they are my biggest fans and great supporters, so long as I don't mess with their bag of Oreos or their cereal boxes. We always have plenty of fruits and veggies, yogurt, etc but they like to know that if they want a cookie, they can have one.
Hmmmmmm, so I decided I would have a cabinet. My own cabinet. They are welcome to shop there, but i will not shop anywhere else. It is still a work in progress, so there are no pics yet, but when it is done, I will be sure to share!
So, I set my goals, I started prepping my kitchen, I made a list of excuses and how to beat them, and I set and posted my goals. Everywhere. For real, they are even on Facebook for the whole world to see.
Today I did my fitness test and took some measurements. The measurements took a little while because I had to convert them to kilos and centimeters. I really like my weight in kilos. Do the math, though, I weight 166 pounds right now (yesterday was 168, go me!) . My goal is 150.
 Next was my fitness test. The time trial was 1K, or .62 miles. I ran full out at first, then got winded (darn brisk Fall air, lol) and finished 23 seconds slower than I wanted to, so I could be considered Advanced. Intermediate, here I come, but I will not stay.
The push ups I did were 10 on my toes, 17 on my knees, in one minute.
Ab strength was a plank. Far from my best. Far from my worst. All good here. She asked us to use our knees and arms, I was on my toes and hands. Ooops. Oh well, it is how I do them, so any improvement will be accurate for me.
Wall sits suck. Just sayin'.
The sit and reach was for flexibility. I am not that flexible. I should work on that!
 I submitted my results and will soon check out my first week of workouts, and my food plan. I am a somewhat picky eater, so this is always a challenge, but I will make it work. I know that there are lots of choices, so I am not worried!
The workout plan is tailored to fit you. She has choices for people who want to run, lose weight, gain strength, and more. Because I already run, and am following a training plan, I chose a plan for weight loss. It will include 6 days of workouts and a day off. I chose the Advanced plan, since I work out fairly often, and look forward to some new workouts!
I am so excited to get started, and to let you know how it is going! Off  go, to check out next week's plan! I am dying to see it!

Bring it on, Michelle! Bring it on!

Are you a fan of the Biggest Loser?


  1. I hate the biggest loser. I think the idea started out great but it is not healthy. There is no after the show counseling....for the fame, the new body, the change in that you are now it is all on you in the surroundings that got you on the show in the first place not sequestered on a farm working out 8 hours a day and eating too little.

    Good luck with the transformation. I have the same problem with buying all the things then they collect dust.....

    1. I hear ya, so many of the contestants game weight back., and I think they lose too much too fast! This program is very reasonable, there won't be any 10 pound losses in one week here!
