Thursday, October 17, 2013

ENERGYbits Review and Giveaway.... and a Butteiful Girls Headband Winner

I could go on and on about how much I love ENERGYbits. And I will. Believe me. But first, let me tell you about the winner of the Butteiful Girls Headband!

Meredith M, you are the winner! I have emailed Meredith, and will mail out her headband as soon as I hear back from her!

Now let's move on to ENERGYbits!

****I was provided with a sample of ENERGYbits in exchange for this review. I was under no obligation to post a positive review! All opinions, as always, are my own.****

I am sure that if you follow runners on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, you have heard of them! I know that I had been hearing about them for quite some time, before I was put in touch with them via Girls Gone Sporty. I knew that they were great for energy before a race. I also knew that they are made from algae. I don't do algae. Seriously. I don't do seafood. Not because of any kind of love for the fishies. Fish are food. I'm good with that. It's the smell. I have a very strong sense of smell. Seafood smells bother me. Sad, but true. 
But I was determined! I was going to try them. They arrived with all kinds of awesome information about the benefits:
ENERGYbits® algae tabs are 64% protein. Algae has the highest concentration of protein of any food on the planet. Nothing is higher. And why do you need protein? To build your organs, your strength, your lean muscle and also to satisfy your hunger for long periods of time.This is critical for athletes who need energy but can’t burden their body with heavy animal protein (which typically takes hours or days to digest) or artificial chemicals which are toxic to the body and often banned in competitions. Protein is critical for everyone but particularly for athletes since it repairs and builds damaged muscles.
Our algae tabs are over 60% protein (three times that of steak) and since our travel tins easily slip into your hand, pocket or gym shorts so you can be refreshed and renewed any time of day, whether you’re on the gym floor, jamming down the slopes or in the middle of a marathon. Can’t do that with a piece of steak!   Even better, our ENERGYbits®  algae tabs are 100% spirulina which naturally release nitric oxide into your body along with all that protein and forty other nutrients vitamins.
ENERGYbits®  algae tabs have virtually no calories. With no sugar or any artificial ingredients, your body can continue burning fat even after your workout. Each tab is loaded with 40 vitamins and minerals but just ONE calorie so there are no unnecessary calories – just pure nutrition and protein. Since they are so tiny (about the size of a tic tac®), they make you feel satisfied and full, not bloated and fat. Great for performers, fitness buffs as well as pro athletes or weekend warriors.
Amazing, right? So, I opened the cute little tin that they came in.
Yeah, they smell like algae.
Would I be able to swallow them? The suggested serving is 30. You should take them 10-15 minutes before you workout or run. Okay, I can do that.
They go down so easily! They really are very small, and they were no problem to swallow. I did my run, and I definitely felt energized.
Was it all in my head, though? Was I energized because I expected to be energized? 
So, I tried them again. WOW! I really did like the way I felt! Not jumpy or crazy, just.... energized. The runs were a breeze, and I was not tired out when I finished! Even better, I wasn't all jumpy afterwards either. It's not *that kind* of energy. I was actually bummed that I wasted them on short runs, but as runners, we know not to try out anything on a long run, because you never know how your body might react! I look forward to using energybits on a long run, and then a Half Marathon!
And the calorie thing? I am loving that! Admit it, when you eat your waffles, gummies, etc during a long run, the calories add up. For those of us that are trying to lose weight while running, that is a real pain in the fat! Having a super low calorie option is definitely a Win Win situation!
A little more info for you from their website, about why algae helps:

Amino Acid Protein for Instant Absorption and Instant Energy

The protein in ENERGYbits® algae tabs is a plant protein – all in its natural amino acid state (unlike animal protein which needs to be broken down into amino acids before your body can use it). This means you automatically and easily absorb all the protein and get instant energy from it (within one minute if you chew it and within five to ten minutes if you swallow it). So, to supercharge your workout or performance, take at least 20-50 ENERGYbits® and then watch in amazement as your stamina kicks in. Since they are 60% protein, also take them after a workout if you want to build more lean muscle. Our ENERGYbits® are sold in large bags of 1,000 tabs that you can put into small travel tins each day and can slip into your pocket or gym bag, ready to use whenever you need that burst of energy.

Nitric Oxide for Endurance and Stamina

ENERGYbits® are 100% spirulina - a nitrogen based algae which helps your body to release nitric oxide when consumed. Nitric oxide is the fuel that all athletes, trainers and Olympic teams use to achieve top performance. Nitric oxide opens up blood vessels so more blood, oxygen and nutrients can reach the brain and muscles, making it the “holy grail” of stamina, endurance and strength. Simply put, it delivers a killer performance. Why take chemical or artificial nitric oxide when you can get it naturally with our ENERGYbits®? So follow the lead of Olympic trainers. Go natural. It’s the healthier choice.

Not convinced? Don't just take my word for it!
If you are on twitter, ENERGYbits Ambassadors host a Health and Fitness Twitter Chat every Tuesday night at 8 pm EST. Just follow the hashtag #poweredbybits to join in. They chat about nutrition, wellness, health and fitness! What a great way to connect with other athletes!

You can also check ENERGYbits out in other social media:
Pinterest there are pics as well as other blog reviews posted here!
To order:  Use the code BLOG to get 10% off, as a gift from ENERGYbits to you!

For future orders please remember, ENERGYbits are only available at, and Jonathan (their Brand Manager) has shared with me that he'd be happy to connect anyone with a current ambassador to share a discount on a bag of bits - you can email him at
And now for the giveaway! If you would like to try ENERGYbits, then this is for you! To win a sample of ENERGYbits, check out the rafflecopter below!