Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week 7 of training!

Today began week 7 of training and since I missed one run last week, I doubled up. I ran a 10K this morning, a very sweaty 10K, and ended up with my legs being a little sore, leftover from Yankee Stadium to be sure!
SO excited to be chugging alone so nicely, no bumps so far! Woot!
I also did 30 burpees today, to start off week 2 of the Burpee BOOM Challenge by roadrunnergirl. Burpees are hard! After doing them, my lower back always hurts just a little. I am hoping that continuing to do them will strengthen my back a little! walking the dogs afterwards definitely helped work the kinks out of my back.
I read about a new way to journal in WW magazine. I no longer count points, but the magazine always has such great stuff in it, and I got a free year from micowave popcorn, so I continue to read it. Anyway... I struggle with journaling, and this is a great way to journal. I LOVE to draw, and having it all out in front of you is SO helpful, so this is my new food journal:

Fun, right? Having to put it down on there, and not just writing, but actually drawing it in, was a great motivator. Not only to eat well, but to exercise! Try it!

Awhile back, I won a contest at a facebook page, Run Find Your Happy Pace. I won $25 to spend at my new fave store, Active Bands. These headbands *stay put* and I love them so much! I spent $9 of my own money and I got Morgan a sparkly blue one, and I got 2 thicker bands in pink camo and giraffe print:

Check them out at Active bands, you won't be sorry! Like their page on facebook as well, they have sales almost once a month, a great way to stock up! I wore the giraffe print today, 6.2 miles and it did not move at all!
Thursday is Barking Mad About Cancer's first ever virtual race! Many have already completed it. and received their medal. My friends and I will be doing it on Thursday morning, 10K, and I will post pics later that day! It is not too late to sign up! I have 10 medals left, and will gladly order more. So far, I have 90 racers and have raised over $1300! $20 will get you a medal, and $15 of that will go to Susan G Komen. win win!!

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