Thursday, August 16, 2012

Barking Mad About Cancer Virtual 10K

Today was the day!!! One month until Rock n Roll Philly, abd the official run date for my virtual race! My good friends Grace and Nancy came over and we ran our 10k. Grace had never run more than a 5K, and she totally rocked it out! She ran the whole 10K, truly awesome!
We ran from my house to Bay Head, one town away, and back, and had to add a few trips around my neighborhood to hit the 6.2 miles. We did stop at mile 2.75 for some photo ops:

Great view, but it was so sunny that you can hardly see our faces. LOVING how skinny I look though, so you all I have to see it! My friend Grace is on the right, Nancy in the middle. Aren't we awesome? We tried again:

Better shot of the beauties, not so much on the view, lol.

We got back to the house in 1:24:31 and were so happy with our morning. Lots of fun talking, running, listening to our tunes, and all for a good cause!
 And we got bling!

Some stats, although they are changing every day! As of today, I have raised $1410 with this fundraiser, which has 91 runners from 28 states and 2 from Canada! There are still some medals left, and you can run any time in August, the cost is $20 and $15 of that goes to Komen, while the $5 pays for the medal and most of the shipping costs. Stock photo of the medal:

Thanks to all who ran 10K for Komen!


  1. Completed my run this morning. ;) so proud! 1 hr 24min...the pace got way slow after mile 4.... It can only get better from here.
    Kristen C.
