Monday, July 8, 2019

Training Update

Less than three months until the Berlin Marathon! How did that happen? It has been super hot here in the South this week, plus crazy humid, so I had to toke down the workouts!

Monday was yoga at the pool. 45 minutes of yoga plus a one mile walk to start the week.

 Tuesday was a run day. I’m coaching half marathoners in the morning and 5k runners at night. The night runs are way harder because of the heat and humidity!
The morning run was 3 miles of easy running. No track work, which was nice.

The evening run was supposed to be speed work,  but when I arrived, it was 98 degrees out plus humidity. Nope. We ran an easy mile, walked an easy mile, and did some strength exercises inside the air conditioned store afterwards. 

Wednesday is self care day! I taught yoga, had breakfast at Panera, and window shopped.

Wednesday night was the Firecracker 5k. It was 101 on my there and 99 when I parked the car. Add the humidity and it was a literal hot mess. I survived, thanks to locals putting out their sprinklers.

Thursday morning I was supposed to run the American Four Miler in Charlotte, but I woke with a migraine. Too many days in a row running in the heat finally took its toll, and I was too dehydrated to run. This is the first time since moving here that I didn't run on 4th. I did manage to participate in our neighborhood parade though!

And then we set off fireworks. 

Friday was also a rest day.

Saturday I ran 5 miles with my pace group and walked 3 more on my own, for a total of 8. My foot is still wonky, and the heat and humidity were so out of control, that 10 just wasn't in the cards. 

What was your favorite workout last week?

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