Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday Training Update

This week has been nuts! I am trying to keep track of work outs, but they are few and far between right now!
Thursday of last week: packing!
Friday: errands and packing. We closed on the new house. Hooray!
Saturday: load the truck. This was a 12 hour workout with a fee breaks for food.
Sunday: drive 12 hours to SC. Every time we stopped, I would park as far as possible and walk to the store or rest area to get in my steps. When we arrived, we unloaded a few things so we could be comfortable overnight.
Monday: unloading the truck. We had help with the loading, but it was just the three of us unloading, so it took longer. We broke for lunch and also when it rained briefly, so it was basically another 12 hour day. We also walked the dogs on the trail behind our house, which is very hilly.
Tuesday: unpacking. I went up and down the stairs 37 times.
Wednesday: dog walk and lots of unpacking. My son is helping a little but the hubs is at work so it's mostly me. Breaks for errands.
Thursday: mostly unpacking today and some errands. The boy came with me to walk the dogs on the trail and we walked fast, averaging less than 12 minutes per mile!

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