Sunday, December 27, 2015

2016 Achievement Board

After a lot of consideration, I chose words instead of a word for my 2016 goals. In the past I have used Persevere, Relentless, and Believe. This year, I chose I Can. Because I can. It's definitely something I need to keep reminding myself.
I can finish the NYC marathon.
I can continue to follow Weight Watchers and ultimately reach my goal.
I can.
I used circles for my goals this year, like the dot on the letter i. As I reach my goals, I will color them in. Last year I used red and green. The year before was lime and aqua. I haven't quite decided what colors to use yet, maybe some that relate to our big move to SC in February?

So here are my goals (so far) for 2016. As I reach some of them, I will add more. Not all are running related, or even health related, but most are.
1. Run the NYC marathon (I'm in, I deferred last year)
2. 30 day plank streak
3. Lose 5 pounds (I have more to lose. Baby steps.)
4. Complete Hammer & Chisel
5. Run in 2 new states
6. Coach GOTR (there is a chapter in SC, yay!)
7. Read 40 books
8. 1000 moonjogger miles
9. Run 500 miles
10. Do one pull up
11. Complete a round of PiYo
12. Complete a monthly challenge
13. Join a SC running club
14. Run 30 races, any distance
15. 2750 Instagram followers
16. 1500 facebook followers
17. 2750 twitter followers
18. 750 Pinterest followers
19. Reach Mt. Ararat, 48 books already owned
20. Pop Sugar reading challenge
21. 2000 moonjogger miles
22. 16 weeks of Weight Watchers meetings 


  1. Great achievement board and goals! I aimed to be able to do a pull up by the end of this year, but I don't think it's going to happen. It'll be a goal for me in 2016 as well!

    1. Thanks Sam!I have done one pull up in my life, maybe a year and a half ago. I have zero upper body strength right now!

  2. Wow! That's quite a list! I've heard about moonjoggers, but haven't looked at it too closely. Maybe I should check it out. Happy 2016!

    1. I love moon joggers, they are all so supportive. I'm on Team Cupcake! I did just over 2000 miles so far this year, even with my injuries, I'm gonna crush that next year!
