Friday, November 21, 2014

Flat Mama Friday

I am doing a Turkey Run tomorrow, which Blissfully starts at 11:00, and I get to run along the ocean for parts of it. It's my last five miler of the year, and should be a cold windy mess. It's likely that I will be wearing leggings under my shirt and some kind of jacket as well!

Are you doing any Turkey themed races this week?


  1. Replies
    1. I hope it went well, I have your last few posts in my inbox, read to read!

  2. I am new to running and just found your blog through instagram. I live in Jackson and wish I knew about this run because I would have signed up. Have fun!

    1. welcome! I hope you love running as much as I do, it has really helped me in more ways than one! Hope to see you at a race!
