Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Summer, Iced Tea, and Pure Via with a #giveaway

When Pure Via asked me if I would be interested in participating in their campaign via Fitfluential I jumped right on board!

First, let's talk about the fact that June 10th was National Iced Tea day. Ever since I gave up Diet Cola, iced tea has been my new bestie! I drink it all.day.long.
Why did I quit diet sodas? For the same reason I can only drink some pre-made diet iced teas, and mostly stick to unsweetened tea that I sweeten myself. I am allergic to aspartame.
This seems to be a family problem. It gives my dad and brother a blinding headache and it gives me excruciating stomach pain. For real, like the alien is trying to burrow out of my stomach kind of pain.
I can't use the blue packets but I can use the pink and yellow, although they are both a very small step up. I prefer to keep it as natural as possible! 
Pure Via helps me there! Their sugar packets are Stevia, all natural, non GMO, and I love that I can just stick them in my purse!

I am also loving the cool mason jar-like cup they included for my drinking pleasure. That is, when the teenie isn't stealing it. I think I need an extra!

A little info about the Pure Via liquid sweetener, which I haven't tried yet, but plan to use soon to make blueberry muffins!:
 And the packets:

For more information , you can check out their Facebook page and Twitter. You are sure to find lots of amazing recipes at both sites, so check back often!!
The folks at Pure Via knew how jealous you would all be, so they are offering one of my readers a gift as well!
I know that some other Ambassadors are also hosting a giveaway, and you can totally enter them all to increase your chances of winning, but please be sure to let us know if you won more than once, so we can pick a new winner and spread the love! There can only be one winner per household, US residents only.
So how do you win?
SO simple! Follow Pure Via on Facebook and Twitter, using the links above, and let me know what you will use your prize for! Comment below once you have done all three for 3 chances to win. You must comment to be entered, but following them on Social Media is optional. (commenting will get you one entry).
The winner will be announced on the morning of July 3rd, so be sure to enter before then!

What will you use your kit for? Baking? Drinks? Both?


  1. I love the pure via in my hot teas :)

    1. my daughter is a singer, and she lives off of hot teas!

  2. I have never tried it....I tend to shy away from anything that isn't actual sugar but I think I would try in iced tea first then maybe some baking if I do any LOL

    1. lol not exactly baking season right now, but I do love me some muffins, so I might have to go for it anyway!

  3. I have tried it yet but would love to so that I could get away from the more artificial sweetners. I would try it first in tea and then in baking items. I love muffins and that would be a great place to try!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've always been a hot tea drinker, but it wasn't until about 2 years ago that I also became an iced tea addict. Sooooo gooood.

    While I stick to unsweetened tea, it would be nice to have a guilt free indulgence every once in awhile, especially since here in the south Sweet Tea is all anyone drinks.

    Looking forward to seeing their updates come through on FB & Twitter.

  6. I think I would use the kit for drinks and baking.

  7. My wife loves tea, so this would be a gift to her if I win.

    sethrich AT hotmail DOT com

  8. I like Pure Via on Facebook (Seth R)

    sethrich AT hotmail DOT com

  9. I follow Pure Via on Twitter (StaticSeth)

    sethrich AT hotmail DOT com
