Monday, September 30, 2013

Dopey Training Week 13: Providence Edition

This past weekend, I ran Rock n Roll Providence Half Marathon! I cannot wait to tell you about everything we saw while we visited Providence, and about the Expo and race. But first, let's start with my week in workouts!
Monday: so sore from the Sloppy Cuckoo! We walked the dogs, and I planked.
Tuesday: 3 mile run, dog walk, and walk to the dry cleaners, plus a plank.

Wednesday: dog walk, 2:00 plank, plus a 3 mile walk (to drop off and pick up the car at the gas station!)
Thursday: 3.1 mile run for Sara's September to Remember Challenge 5K. My legs were still achey and tired from the Trail race. Ugh, another Half Marathon in a few days, what was I thinking? I also did Kettlebells and a plank.

Friday: dog walk and plank, plus errands to prepare for our weekend in Providence.
Saturday: we walked Providence for hours. I actually earned 12 Activity Points with my ActiveLink. That's nuts!
Sunday: Rock n Roll Providence Half Marathon! I will talk all about that next! Week 13 is done! This week coming up I hope to get in more Kettlebell workouts, and it will be another back to back running weekend, this time with only 3 miles each time. I might walk them if my leg still aches!

Saturday we started out for Providence, we took our time getting up and getting out the door, since we knew Sunday would be an early day. Around lunch time, I stopped at a scenic overlook of Mystic, CT and the hubs suggested we stop at Mystic Pizza for lunch. You know, from the movie with Julia Roberts. I fangirled while he looked up the address. It was only 8 minutes away! OMG!

we passed this on our way! OMG

It was super easy to find, and we even sat right down! No wait! The pizza was super tasty, and the whole place was covered with pics from the movie, as well as pics of other celebrities. It was very cool, very clean, and the service was super fast.
bacon and meatball, yum!

It was deep dish pizza, super cheesy, super fresh, crispy crust, crispy bacon. OMG. I am not a huge pizza eater, but this was divine! The hubs is pizza picky, and he loved it, too!
I'm such a loser, lol

I swear, it made my whole day! We got back in the car and finished the drive to Providence. The hubs dropped me off at the Expo so he could look for good parking. Every garage wanted $10-$15 cash, and then you had to come back at night and pay at least another $20-$25 to park overnight. UGH. He did find a place that he thought was $7 a day, and turned out to be $7 for the weekend. Score!
He planned to meet me at the Expo, after he checked us in at the Hilton. I got to the Expo, picked up my bib, tee, and swag bag, and entered the Expo. It.was.tiny.
I have been to 2 other RnR events, and they both had HUGE expos, so this was disappointing. No free samples, really, and not a whole lot to look at. They had the 2 usual photo ops, but I was still alone at that point, and ended up skipping them both. I was finished before the hubs even got to the hotel!
The hotel was only 2 blocks away, so I started back to the hotel, past the Dunkin Center and a Starbucks. YUM! I got myself a nice Trenta Iced Tea Lemonade, and proceeded to wait in the very nice lobby while the hubs checked us in. That;s how small the expo was, he hadn't even checked in yet!
We dumped our stuff and headed out to walk around Providence! Highlights:
Street Painting Festival. This is chalk, people. Seriously.
At Roger Williams Park, the American Indians were having a Festival of their own:

See the video here
Water Fire
This is a huge festival that goes on all night, several weekends a season. They light these fires all along the river, and there is food, and artwork for sale, crafts, fundraisers. It was so amazing!
Living Statues, for $1 they give you a riddle


star luminaries
We walked along the river, and at the end, when we decided it was time to head back to the hotel, we found the Wall of Hope. It is made in memory of those lost on 9-11. This is just a small piece of a huge display!

I will post about the race tomorrow, but I will leave you with these awesome shout outs:

Love those ladies!

What did you do this weekend to keep your body moving?


  1. I am interested in doing RnR Savannah, so I'm looking forward to your recap, just to get a taste for how the group organizes their races.

    That's disappointing about the expo, but I'm glad you got some time to enjoy the town!

    1. this was my 3rd RnR event, they put on a great race! It is always scenic and well run!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed Providence! I live in Rhode Island but this was my first RnR event. It was a great way to see one of my favorite cities in a new light.

    Here's my recap:

    1. It really was great, I enjoyed it. I read your post, and I agree about the gear. I have to say, I only run with a pouch, which holds my iPhone and my honey stinger waffles, because if I don't eat while i run, I get nauseous and light headed. I was surprised at the number of hydration backpacks I saw. It was not warm out and there was plenty to drink on course. I do run with a GPS watch, though. It helps me to feel better when I think I am doing poorly, lol. I did finish about 20 minutes slower than I would have if I wasn't injured, think. Hills kill me, and I come from flat terrain so any hill is a monster to me lol
