Friday, November 23, 2012

Holiday Challenges

I don't know about you, but I am *loving* all of the Holiday Challenges that are starting up! I joined a few to help keep me accountable!
Run Find Your Happy Pace is holding this fun challenge: Do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred 5 days a week, starting today, Black Friday and running until Christmas Eve! There is even a Facebook Event Page that you can report to! LOVE! LOVE! I did my first day today, quick and easy, about 25 minutes long, and you only need a set of weights. I used 5 pounders.

Runner's World is hosting another Run Streak Challenge. Run one mile a day, every day, between Thanksgiving Day and New Year's Day. I tried one of their streaks over the summer and it was an epic fail. I felt like such a loser lol. I started this streak yesterday with the hubs while the turkey was cooking. We did 2 miles. Today, I ran 5 miles with my friend Grace for my Barking Mad Turkey Trot (the info is on the Fundraiser page, but there are only a few medals left!) I wonder if I can accumulate spare miles? Probably not!

This is a great challenge that just started the other day, using a points system. You get points for miles run/walked, aerobic exercise, WOW (workout of the week) and spot challenges. Check it out here and be sure to mention my name or my blog if you decide to join in the fun. There are tons of great prizes to be won!
I am loving this challenge, it keeps me motivated to workout and eat well (although I have to eat 7 freggies to get a point, which I have only managed once!) and there is a great facebook group for Challengers with lots of motivation and friends to be met! LOVE it!

Have you joined any Holiday Challenges?


  1. you are so motivated!! I don't know if I could keep up with any other challenges

    1. Thanks Amanda! We will see if the other Challenges last! HBBC is forst and foremost, the others are bonuses!

  2. I love RFYP! Darlena is a great inspiration. Good luck with all of your challenges; you're going to do great!

  3. Aww Love you girls too! Good luck with ALL your Challenges Kim! Go 30 day shred!

    1. Thanks Darlena! I am going for my RWStreak 1 miler after this, and then I will do Day 2 of the Shred. Love it!

  4. I did the 30 Day Shred and love it! Good luck with the challenges :)

  5. Good luck with all 3 of the challenges! There are so many that it's hard to keep them all straight sometimes.

    1. thanks! I know what you mean, I have a notebook that I keep track in, so that i don't forget! These don't even include the ones I do at SparkPeople!
