Thursday, November 29, 2012

Elf on the Shelf Photo Contest

I love Christmas! It is one of my very favorite times of year! Decorating the tree, picking out just the right pictures for the cards, everyone is in a great mood. Truly magical.
The first time I really noticed the Elf on the Shelf, my son had just told me the magic was gone. I was devastated! I would have been a great Elf Helper! I am really glad that the class I work in every morning has an Elf (aptly named Elfie). Not only does he move every day, but he provides the word of the day. But don't touch him! It sucks out the magic! Serious stuff!
When my good friend and fellow blogger Darlena asked if I wanted to help sponsor her Elf on a Shelf Contest, I was thrilled to join in the fun! If I can't move an Elf, I can help judge the pictures of where *you* move yours!
Check it out here:

Get creative, there are going to be some great prizes!


  1. That sounds like fun! We don't have an Elf on the Shelf, although my daughter is would probably love it!

    1. There is a facebook page for it, the pics are already flooding in, it is so hysterical!

  2. Our elf arrived this weekend and I think hubby and I are having a blast thinking of new ideas :)
