Monday, July 23, 2012

Useable Bling!

Everybody LOVES Bling, right? That bright, shiny medal they give you after some races, the occasional trophy, I even got a red rose once. (That really made my day, lol)
Last year I found a use for the other bling: the t-shirts. Tech shirts are not really good for this, but the cotton ones that you wear a few times and then sigh every time you cannot shut your dresser drawer. I made them into a blanket. The pic below is unfinished, but I back them with a full-sized sheet and use lovely satiny trim to finish them off. No padding needed, they are toasty warm all by themselves!

Every time you curl up with it, you will be reminded of all the races you finished, the sweat and the tears and the joy of crossing that finish line!
Here is my first quilt, finished with pink satin trim. I sewed every other square to the backing instead of using corner buttons like I did below. I also used sweatshirty material that was crazy hard to work with, lol.

I recently made one for a friend, using her collection of  (mostly) Hard Rock Tees:
This is also unfinished, I used buttons in every corner to stop the sheet and the quilt front from sliding around. There are lots of sites online that sell kits, or charge you (usually a *lot*) to make them for you. I sew mine by hand (I have a sewing machine, I just hate using it!!) so it takes awhile but it is so worth it in the end!
I also saw somewhere that you can make tote bags out of your race bibs, but I put mine in an 8x8 scrapbook along with pics from the race. I love flipping through them. My fave bibs are the muddy crusty ones from mud runs I have done. What a story they tell you!!

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What have you done with your race bling?


  1. OMG! Love this! I have seen these before but never really stopped to look at one! I would love to do one with my shirts but most of mine are tech shirts - surprisingly!!!

    1. I hear ya Sandra, if not for the tech shirts I have gotten, even for 5Ks! I would have a completed second blanket right now! I like when they give you a choice, I always go for cotton!

  2. I love them! Wish I'd kept all those t-shirts now!

    1. thanks Shellee, I am working on my second one. Unfortunateky, I gotta a lot of tech shirts this year, and they don't work as well, so it is taking a little longer!
