Thursday, June 29, 2017

Thursday Training Update with Brilliant Reflective

I received 2 sets of Brilliant Reflective strips as a BibRave Pro (Ambassador) for the purposes of this review. Check out to read and write race reviews.

I've started training for a couple different races this week. Goofy Training started this week and so did Rambling Rose, my first triathlon.

I'm only slightly terrified. I am not a swimmer and next week starts my pool swims. This week I stuck to the bike and my usual runs.

I have Brilliant Reflective strips on all of my "work" shirts. I can't really call it work, since my job is to run with awesome people. It doesn't get any better than this!
Since I live in the South, and it is unbelievably hot here, even in the early morning, I often run in the dark. Now I will also be riding in the dark.

Don't judge. My bike is awesome. It's also super reflective now. I stuck strips on the basket, the back of the seat, and on the sides of the bike as well. If a car is coming, it will see me.

A little bit of trivia: I borrowed a bike from a friend for my duathlon a few years back. It had a wobbly wheel, which someone pointed out to me at mile 9 of 10. He also pointed out that knead working twice as hard as necessary, because the wheel as rubbing. Little old ladies on cruisers were passing me. In honor of those badass ladies, I'll be riding my cruiser at Rambling Rose.

You can also put Brilliant Reflective on any gear you use at night, like water bottles and helmets.

Want to try some out? Go to Brilliant Reflective and use the code BRP35 for 35% off!

Ok, now for some training updates, which will undoubtedly feature Brilliant Reflective on my shirts!

Thursday: 4.1 miles of running and walking. We had a new runner and she was feeling a little tired after 2 miles so we walked it in. It was also Virtual Race day so I dressed appropriately.

Friday: walked a bit for a streaking challenge. I've got over 30 days where I walked or ran at least a mile a day

Saturday: 10 long miles. It was swampy out there! I ran a couple miles before our official group run, 4 with the group, and then 4 more after. It was torture.

Sunday I mostly recovered from Saturday, walked a mile.

Monday I was going to go to 9 Round. It's been a month since I've gone. I chickened out and walked a mile instead. It's totally the same.

Tuesday, track workout. 3 miles with my group and 2 on my own.

Wednesday was Drills and Thrills with MDA Team Momentum. They send us a torture session.... um.... workout.... and we do it. I started with a 30 minute ride, then ran 2.8 miles with drills every half mile. My legs hurt.

I started that ride in the dark, so I'm glad that I put those reflective strips on there!

What was your toughest workout last week?
posted from Bloggeroid

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