Thursday, November 24, 2016

Charlotte South Park Turkey Trot #Thankful5

Today I ran the Charlotte Turkey Trot 8k, at the South Park Mall.
I started the day by dropping the hubs off at the airport so he can fly to California for a dirt bike ride from Barstow to Vegas. Of course, this meant I was super early for the race, but that's ok.
I picked up my bib and tee and then hung out in the car for awhile until the Kid's Mile started.

Once the kids started, I got into the corral and found my friend Robert, which made me super happy. I didn't think I knew anyone, so it was a welcome surprise!

We are such grown ups.
The course was very nice, hilly of course, but well marked and the volunteers were all very good. The water stops were well spaced, and the volunteers did a great job.
The time went by quickly because Robert and I gabbed a lot, and before we knew it, we were running into the mall parking lot towards the finish!

We got our cute medals and tried to find food and drink. After much searching we found where we could pour our own water, and then after even more searching we found the food.

That's right. Half of a granola bar after running almost 5 miles. I was a little shocked, I'm not gonna lie. I was starving, so I took two. So, a whole granola bar. I'm a rebel.
Next were awards and the costume contest.

I thought I had a good chance, until I found out that it was popular vote. I had no friends with me, so I had to rely on my costume. The three that won were good costumes, but I might have had a better chance if it was judged by an actual judge and not the audience. I really loved the costume that won, I wish I had taken a pic! The girl made a turkey costume that reminded me of a Mummer costume, I was impressed that she did the 5k in it!
It was a fun race and now I'm home in comfy ugly sweater leggings and my race tee, watching the parade with my family.
It's a good way to celebrate Thanksgiving!
Will I run this race next year? Nope. I'm sure I can find another Turkey Trot to try!

posted from Bloggeroid

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