Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday Training Update

I can't believe I'm in week 6 of marathon training!

Wednesday I did 2 rounds of Country Heat. I can't get enough of this program!

Thursday was a 4 mile run. Fastest pace all week, and a nice easy run. I enjoyed every minute of it!

Saturday was my long run with the PG Speed Demons. 9 fairly flat miles done with 8 minutes to spare! I was thrilled with my time!

Sunday, the hubs and I hit the Riverbank Zoo in Columbia.

Monday was 6 miles, and I tried a new route that was a little hillier than I wanted, but a nice change of pace.

Tuesday was 6 miles of intervals. I had a stomach ache the whole time. Yuck.

Overall a great week of running, and so thrilled to be running healthy....

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