Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday Training Update

The Teenie is home from college for Spring Break, and I almost forgot to post today! Not that my workouts are super impressive this last few days, I have been spending a lot of time with her, and not so much time working out!

It started with a run that was more like a hike. I did find a cool rope bridge, though, so maybe it was worth it. My pace was crap, but I covered the miles and that's all that matters right now!

Saturday was the Shamrock 4 Miler, which I ran with friends. Also a slower pace, but super hilly and I went in with the goal of having fun. Mission accomplished. 
Plus, I looked awesome!

Sunday, the men and I took the dogs on a walk to find the bridge I had found on Thursday. It's about 2 miles round trip, but hilly and exhausting. Plus, we got to cross over to NC on the bridge, which was a silly little thrill.

Monday afternoon, the Teenie came home. I knew I had to get my workout in before that happened, but it was humid out. It was also pi day, and you have to run 3.14 on pi day! I can't run on a treadmill so I decided to hit the elliptical for the same amount of time it would take to run the distance.

Tuesday, we didn't do much, although we did walk the dogs again. 
Wednesday I wasn't feeling my best, but I promised the Teenie we would do something, although everything seemed to be closed on Wednesday. We found a bowing alley, and bowled two games, and then walked the mall it was attached to. Fun, and we found a great place to hang out with the family this summer!
The Teenie and I rode our bikes one day as well, and it was about 5 Miles worth. I just can't remember when! We found that bridge and even crossed over to the NC side and found a covered bridge as well. 
Not the greatest week, but I tried to keep moving every day. This week I am hoping to start Carb Cycling with Chris Powell's plan. I am.mostly done with the book, and I want to be sure I have all the information before I jump in.
Have you tried Carb Cycling?

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