Thursday, July 16, 2015

That Time I Took Over Skirt Sports Instagram For the Day

As a Skirt Sports Ambassador, I get to do a lot of fun things. Run in skirts. Do errands in skirts. Go to Disney in skirts. It really is all about the skirts. I get some free swag on occasion, I get a great discount, I get to share great discounts.... (use the code SSBMSR20 for 20% off any full priced merchandise)
Today has been the most fun, though, because I got to be Guest Instagrammer for  Skirt Sports! In case, you missed them, here are the pics I shared with their followers today!

1 comment:

  1. Too much fun!! I'm up on deck this Friday and so excited/nervous!! Ya'll have left some really big footsteps to follow in and I'm just hoping I don't bore their followers to death. LOL :-)
