Friday, December 19, 2014

2014 Achievement Board

With the year coming to a close, I have updated my Achievement Board. I won't be meeting any more of my goals, so I can post it now!

I love seeing all that color, a little bummed about the white spaces, but not devastated. 
I didn't master 8 new yoga poses, but I did master 4!
4 pull ups? Not so much! I will work on that in 2015!
Hit the 150s? Never came close, but it is my constant struggle, and one day I will beat it!
I just finished my 30th book and in workig on 31 right now!
I completed nineteen 5ks!
5:00 plank? Nope, I think I hit 3:00 at one point! Time to start up that plankaday again!
I completed 14 half marathons, my last being Wine and Dine, which was also my 30th ever!
I completed four 5 mile races.
I did not do the du, because of injury.
I completed three obstacle races.
I did not take the NASM test.
I completed two 10ks.
I PRd in the half marathon, not overall, but for a course, knocking over 10 minutes off the previous year's time!
I have 500 followers on Instagram. Actually, almost 900. Score!
I PRd in a 5k, not overall but a course PR by about three minutes.
I completed a Training plan: PiYo!
I PRd in the 10k, course PR.
I did not hit level 18 in sparkpeople, because I left the site. I just couldn't keep up, and it left me feeling bad all the time, so I stopped using it.
I PRd in a five miler, course PR.
Money challenge? I made it to summer, which is longer than last year. I will conquer it in 2015!
Run 700 miles? Nope, about 550 or so, due to injury. 
Run in a new state. I added Illinois to my list this summer, when I did Pretty Muddy and Massachusetts when I did the Zooma Half.
1200 followers on facebook, with the help of my blogger friends, I hit that goal in early December.
Jupiter Level, Half Fanatics. Score! Probably won't advance past that though!
Complete NASM studies. Nope. I need to finish! What a slacker!

I have my word for 2015, Believe, I just need to make the board and add my goals, which are already written!

I hope you met most of your goals for 2014 as well!


  1. Such an impressive list! Keep up the awesome work! And for those goals you didn't hit, you'll get them next year!
