Sunday, October 26, 2014

Trick or Trot 5k

Let me just start off with the fact that I adore races that start in the late morning! Yesterday's race started at 10:30 and today's race started at 11. At 9 this morning, I got dressed and drove to Seven Presidents Park in Long Branch NJ for the Trick or Trot 5k.
I was super early so I had plenty of time to get my bib and tee, stow the swag in my car, and head over to watch the kid races!

 But first, tradition demands that I visit the beach for some photos!

I was testing my Pocahontas costume for Disney today, to make sure it was comfy and wouldn't chafe. The "snow" in the pic is sand blowing in the wind.
The race began along the ocean, on the "boardwalk", which is actually paver stones. It was a gun start, and we started off right on time.

The temps were perfect, around 55-60' but the wind was a bit much. After my speedy race yesterday (which I found out today was a course PR for me!) I wasn't expecting much and I started the race wondering why I did this to myself. I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't feeling it at all.
The weather was gorgeous, though, and I was there, so I planned on just doing my best, and not sweating it.
Mile one, about 10:37, which was not much slower than yesterday. Huh? Mile two, around 10:24, which was faster than yesterday. I couldn't believe it! The wind was starting to get to me, and I was getting tired, but we were back on the boardwalk and headed towards the finish. A girl dressed like Super Woman was neck and neck with me, and I was determined to beat her!
I rounded the final corner, and the wind hit me like a smack in the face. I could barely breathe, but I was going to beat her. I did beat her. Barely.

As I approached the finish I realized that I could beat yesterday's time if I just pushed harder, but I couldn't seem to pull it out. I finished in 32:29, which was slower than yesterday but yesterday's course was 3.05 so I actually beat it. Does that make sense?

Lots of trophies but none for me. They had lots of trophies for costumes and even a dog parade. It was lots of fun, but I was freezing! I couldn't wait to head back to my car and put on my long sleeved race tee.
The test was a success, both costumes passed the test, and I won't have any worries going into Wine and Dine. 

Do you test out your outfits before a long race?

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