Monday, October 27, 2014

Nine days until Disney, let the packing begin!

Over the weekend, I brought down the suitcases for my daughter and I to bring to Disney. Funny how suitcases suddenly make things real!

Now that I have tested my costumes for Wine and Dine, I am ready to start packing.

 Packing for a race weekend is no joke, especially when you are so far from home. You don't want to forget something important! Replacing that item can be expensive or even hard to find! I have forgotten ear buds at an expo that had none, and my Running Buddy, where the expo only had pouches that were $30. Now I have yet another pouch I don't need!
The expo in Disney will have everything anyone could possibly ever want, but I want to spend my money in the parks or on race specific merchandise! 
I have posted many times on packing for a race weekend, so please forgive me if I repeat myself!
First and foremost, pack everything you need for race day in your carry on bag. If the airline loses your luggage, you will still be able to race! Once you have done that, you can add a bathing suit and a couple every day outfits. You know, so you aren't naked. 

I also save up my magazines the month before, and stow them in my carry on so that I have reading material in the airport and on the plane, as well as whatever book I'm currently reading, plus one extra, for the ride home. Since we have connecting flights and layovers, I will be bringing extras in my checked bag, just in case. 

I also stow my lanyard, Disney gift cards for food and spending money, hopper cards, and magic bands in my carry on for easy access. 

Everything else can go in your checked bag. Don't overpack though, which I am always guilty of, because you want some extra room for souvenirs on the return trip!
For long trips, I bring empty garbage bags to throw the dirty clothes in, to keep your room a little more organized during your stay! I also bring a TON of antibacterial hand gel to keep us healthy while we are there. I stopped at Bath and Body Works and got some pretty scents to keep us germ free.

I am sure I will have plenty more to say about packing, plus a post about apps to use in Disney, in the days to come!

How early do you start packing for a long trip?

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