Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I'm Happy!

It's true. Have you ever been doing something, and just suddenly realized that you were happy and content? Over a month ago, I made the tough decision to quit my job as a special ed paraprofessional. I was burnt out, and I needed a break, but the decision about killed me!
I have been getting the house in shape, getting in my workouts, enjoying the weather, and finding my happy place again. I *feel* so much better, it was almost instantaneous.
Today, I started the day with a run. I had 3 -4 miles scheduled, but I knew it would only be 3, due to the insane humidity! I ran my neighborhood, because the clouds were yucky and I wasn't sure if it would rain or not! I banged out those 3 miles, then headed home to peel off my wet sticky clothes.
Crazy clouds, right? I made my breakfast and started thinking about my day. My daughter got her summer reading list and wanted the books asap, so she could get started. There is a Recycled Reading store in town, and the sun was coming out. Hmmmmm...... bike ride!
I prepped my bike, got my basket ready, and headed the the ATM. I got alllll the way there (2 whole blocks) and realized I didn't have my wallet. My bike fell over while I was checking the mail box, and I must not have picked it up.
It was on my way back that I had my happiness epiphany. The sky was blue, the breeze was cool, and it was a perfect day. And I was out riding in it. No worries. No cares. Just a beautiful day. Happiness is good!
Of course, just as I pulled back into the driveway I realized I had stuck the ATM card in my change purse. DUH!
Back to the bank, and then on my way to the store. The owner had 2 of the 3 books I needed! Hooray! It was only $8 for them, and would have been $24 at the store. Hooray!
After another stop for batteries, and for pretzels and hummus (I was hungry lol) I headed home. Just a girl and her bike.
How has your week started?


  1. Happiness is really the key to it all!

    We're running a little slowly this week after taking a weekend vacation, but life is good. :)

  2. yeahh for being happy and willing to take great big risks, sometimes that is where the best rewards lay
