Monday, May 16, 2016

Training Update

I was planning on posting this update on Thursday, as usual, but it just didn't happen. I was in Jersey last week, and part of the week before, so my workouts have not been great.
Friday... we were at the hotel in Jersey, and the hubs had to work, so I went down to the gym for the elliptical. It was taken, so I did 23 minutes on the bicycle while I waited my turn, and then I did 38 minutes on the elliptical. I know that I took pics, but I can't find them. Blogger fail.
Saturday... Mom's Day 5k, in Manasquan NJ. I have run this before but they changed the course a bit. It was a great race and I ran it with my friend and her 9 year old son. We all had a great time and we even got bling! I also used the run as my Nerd Herd Running 5k. I don't usually double dip, but for a 5k I don't mind, since many of my training runs and hikes are longer than that.

Sunday...still in Jersey and we took a 2 mile walk on the boardwalk.

Monday was a rest day. We flew home on Sunday night and I had laundry and cleaning to do. I was also exhausted.

Tuesday... I took a Cardio Pump class which kicked my butt. I felt it for days. I also mentored at Fleet Feet, and we did just under a mile with hills. My legs were already putty, so this was especially fun.

Wednesday... I took a 4 mile hike. It was slow and painful, since I was so sore from my class the day before. It was a beautiful hike and I saw a huge crane that made a lot of noise. I love where I live!

Friday was another day of rest, because ouch! And because I needed to get up early on Saturday to mentor again. 

Saturday... one of the gals at Fleet Feet is running a core class every Saturday, so I showed up early and let her kick my butt. Afterwards we ran about 1.5 miles. I was a sweaty mess but it was worth it. When I came  home, I was restless, so I went for another hike to look for the crane. I couldn't find it, but I did find this guy...

Sunday... the hubs and I hiked with the dogs along the Thread Trail, crossing over to the NC side for a bit. It was a great way to finish the weekend, especially since he was leaving for San Diego later in the day.

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