Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Lemonade Cookbook

Awhile back, I mentioned that I received a copy of the Lemonade Cookbook in exchange for a review. I put in the counter just before Halloween and totally forgot about it!
Today I am recuperating from yesterday's race, feeling slightl wretched, and wanting a treat! The hubs mentioned banana bread, which I hate, but I pulled out the cookbook to see if there was a recipe. There wasn't, but there was one for …..

Oh my heck! I called the boy and recruited him as an assistant. And by assistant, I mean that he made the cookies. What better activity on a day like this?
Yikes, our thermometer is dusty! Blogger fail!
The directions were simple and he had no problem making them!
We used a melon baller to scoop them out, it is the perfect size!
After the boy filled the stoneware with cookie dough balls, he let me luck the bowl!
I shared with the pups, because I am nice like that!
Eighteen minutes in the oven, and before I could even take a picture, the hubs stole one!
Blogger hubs fail!
They are fabulous! And almost gone already! A definite hit! I am looking forward to trying some other recipes from this cookbook!

What do you like to cook on cold, wintery days?

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