How is it almost February already? I somehow managed to deliberately get some exercise in every day last week. I'm super excited about this and hoping to keep the momentum going.
Monday I went to Burn with Hope. It was upper body and I almost died. Surprisingly, I recovered quickly. I also did 10 minutes of yoga.
Tuesday was track work out day. I ran 3 miles with my group and one on my own.
Wednesday I taught yoga in the morning, and walked 3 miles later that day.
Thursday was run group day. One of my runners wasn't feeling it, so we mostly walked. About 2.7 miles though, plus I taught yoga that night.
Friday was a rest day, so I walked a mile with the pups.
Saturday I had planned to run 6 with the group and 5 at a local 8k in the afternoon. One of my runners needed at least 9,though, and I didn't want her to run alone. I wasn't really sure my foot could handle a double header anyway, so it was a no brainer. We ran 9 hilly miles, which just about killed me, just one week after Hot Chocolate.
Because Saturday took so much out of me, I ran errands with the hubs and then walked a little over a mile.
A pretty good week, overall.
What was your favorite workout this week?
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