Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's Day Trail Gnome Run 5k

This morning was the Gnome Trail Run 5k, a New Year's Day tradition I've been enjoying since moving south!

I've been running it with RunNerdGirl, Lissa, although she always finishes way before me.

Today I went into the race with pretty low expectations. It's been super rainy lately and I knew the trails would be a mess. The RD said that there wasn't any standing water, but that it was slippery, so I wasn't optimistic. I was still hoping for 16ish minute miles.

We made our goal and then lined up for the race!

I lined up at the back, and realized almost immediately after starting that I had made a huge mistake. There were so many families ahead of me and I couldn't pass a lot of them during the first mile. I quickly lost any momentum I could have used for the race.

At that point I decided that my new goal was to stay upright. It was crazy muddy, and people were sliding all over the place. I had trail shoes, which gave me a leg up, but it was still pretty crazy!

There were some really fun river crossings....

And I was really glad to finally finish that race. It was exhausting. I didn't come close to that 16 minute goal, but I came within a minute of my best time on that course.

Now comes the best part. The race is catered by Legal Remedy Brewery and includes all the foods you need for luck in the New Year.


Now I am exhausted, especially since I met friends for a 4 mile walk right after the race! Time to put my feet up and watch Coco with my daughter!

Did you start the New Year with some exercise?

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