Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Not Quite Wordless Wednesday..... Moonlight 5k Edition

 Sunday night I ran an actual, in person, 5k race. Ok, I mostly walked it, but I finished it and I wasn’t last. 

The race was out on by Vac and Dash, a running store in Albemarle, NC. The drive was over an hour, but when I registered, I thought the hubs would come with me. Turned out, he had a dirt bike event and wouldn’t be home in time. I was bummed because it wasn’t just a race.... it was at a drive in and they were playing movies afterwards! 

Not gonna a lie, I started to talk myself out of going. Driving 2.5 hours round trip for a 5k is ridiculous, but it was a live event, and then I got a call that I won the grand prize in the raffle for early registrants! I won a ZagBag Board, which is a lawn game similar to cornhole. Hold me back!

So I went. The drive was pretty painless, and parking was easy. I larked equally between the bathroom and the bib pickup, and also the starting line! The shirt was long sleeved cotton, and unisex, so it is totally comfy, plus we get a glass bottle of RC Cola and a Moonpie. And a bib, with a tracking strip on the back. I haven’t had one of those since February. 

The event had a 5k and a 10 mile race and if you did both, it was a half marathon with a huge medal. The 5k didn’t have medals, at least not that I saw when I finished. They had us line up all spread out, but didn’t require masks, which was nice. I ran the first mile and walked the last two, and it took forever. I don’t care, though. It was a race! We were given mini water bottles at the water stop, and they were cool and refreshing. The course was super hilly and al neighborhood, and the sun was setting as we ran. 

As I approached the finish, the ten mile runners were lining up, but the RD had them make room for us to finish, which I’ve never seen at a race before and really appreciated. 

I didn’t see any water when I finished, but I brought some so it was all good. I changed real quick in the real bathrooms by the snack stand and beat feet out of there. 

If it wasn’t so far, I would totally go back and do this one again! 

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